Aechmea Amicorum
The Aechmea Amicorumis available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. It is supposed to represent the real-world counterpart of real world variant.

African Lily
The African Lily is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Its name represents the common name of it’s real-world counterpart, Agapanthus africanus.

Albuca Fastigiata
The Albuca fastigiata is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Native of South Affrica, this represents his scientific name.

Aloe Ballii
The Aloe ballii is a plant available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Native of the south-eastern coast of Africa, Mozambique and Zimbabwe, this plant is represented by it’s scientific name.

Alonsoa Meridionalis
The Alonsoa meridionalis is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Native to Chile, this plant is represented by it’s scientific name.

Alpine Rock Jasmine
The Alpine Rock Jasmine is available from using plantballs on moss stone, and can also be found in world, growing on moss pillars. Androsace alpina from its scientific name, or Alpine rock-jasmine, native of European Alps, grows and feed on rocks.

Annual Ragweed
The Annual Ragweed is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia from its scientific name, or Annual Ragweed is native of america.

The Arfaj is available from worldgen, and can be found in warm biome. Rhanterium epapposum from its scientific name, or locally know as Arfaj, this desert flower is native of the Arabian Peninsula; Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar.

Argocoffeopsis Lemblinii
The Argocoffeopsis Lemblinii is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. This nominate represents his scientific name. Extinct relative of the coffee, this flower was native of the north-west coast of Africa, Ivory Coast.

Asian Copperleaf
The Asian copperleaf is available from world-gen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Acalypha australis from its scientific name, or Asian copperleaf, is native of East Asia.

Astilbe Crenatiloba
The Astilbe Crenatiloba is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Also know as Roan Mountain false goat’s beard, there is no consensus on the web regarding its Asian origin or its presence in the lower part of the United States of America (Lower 48 States). This plant could be extinct, source to check; this one may be different from Astilbe biternata.

Austral Bugle
The Austral bugle is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Ajuga australis from its scientific name, or Austral bugle, this plant is native of eastern Australia.

Balcanicus Bear’s Breeches
The Balcanicus Bear’s Breeches is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Commonly named Bear’s Breeches, along is genus, the Balcanicus species is native of southeastern Europe; from the balkan peninsula, up to Dalmatia.

Basket Plant
The Basket Plant is available from world-gen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Information available with the help of USDA online database. Callisia fragrans from its scientific name, is commonly know as basket plant. Native of Mexico, grow in warm climates in moist fertile soil.

Begonia Eiromischa
Begonia eiromischa is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Also know as Wolly-stalked begonia, it was native from Southeast Asia, malaysia. It is presumed extinct since 1898.

Biennial Hollyhock
The Biennial Hollyhock is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. From its scientific name, a well know hollyhock, or Alcea which is also biennial and own a dark maroon bloom would be the Alcea rosea ‘Nigra’. Common in the country gardens, and dating from the time of the European crusades, its origin remains unknown.

Black Nightshade
The Black Nightshade is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Solanum americanum from its scientific name or commonly called American black nightshade is sometime mingled with his european or his caribbean cousin. The probable origin of this plant includes several countries through the so-called subtropical climate zone. This zone include Americas, Melanesia, New Guinea and Australia.

Black Raspberry
The Black Raspberry is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Rubus occidentalis from its scientific name have a few cousin who share the same taste. Depending on who discovered it first, this plants nativity comes from eastern north america, to western north america, including also korea, japan, china and southern asia.

Brachystelma Schoenlandianum
Brachystelma schoenlandianum is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. As a result of urban development, this plants is extinct. This plant was native of South african’s Eastern Cape.

Broadleaf Plantain
Broadleaf plantain is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Plantago major from its scientific name, is comonly named Broadleaf plantain, White man’s foot, greater plantain. Native of Europe and northern and Central Asia, this plant could widely be found elsewhere.

Burnt Candytuft
Burnt Candytuft is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Aethionema saxatile, or Aethionema saxatile creticum from its scientific name, is comonly named the burnt candytuft. Native of the European Alps, this plant is grown on rocks (not necessarily in-game).

Canary Island Flatpod
Canary Island Flatpod is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Adenocarpus foliolosus from its scientific name, is comonly named Canady Island flatpod. This plant is native of an archipelago west of Morocco of the same name.

Cape Gorse
Cape Gorse is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Aspalathus from its scientific name, rather refers to a genus than to a single species and is commonly named Cape Gorse. Native of south africa, it is the genus to which the rooibos tea plant belongs. Note : A common species who erect yellow flowers could be the Aspalathus callosa. This genus usually grow in mountain, on sand.

Carolina Horsenettle
Carolina Horsenettle is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Solanum carolinense from its scientific name, is commonly named Carolina Horsenettle. Native to the southeastern united states, this plant could be found in most tempered North America, in Europe, in Asia and Australia.

Cephalophyllum Parvulum
Cephalophyllum Parvulum is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. There is insufisent information for the moment to describe this plants. From its scientific name, this cactus plant may also have Ice plant as common name. Some botanic garden place his nativity in south africa; Clanwilliam, western cape.

Chinese Honeysuckle
Chinese Honeysuckle is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Lonicera japonica, from its scientific name, have as common name, Japanese honeysuckle and Chinese honeysuckle. A different species who also share the nickname is Combretum indicum. Native of the northern parts of Eastern Asia, this area include China, Japan and Korea.

Chocolate Vine
Chocolate Vine is available from using “Plant balls” on moss stone, and can also be found in world, growing on moss pillars. Akebia quinata, from its scientific name, is also know as chocolate vine, five-leaf chocolate vine. Native of Eastern Asia, China Japan and Korea, the plant is chocolate scented.

Climbing Nightshade
Climbing Nightshade is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Solanum dulcamara from its scientific name also share 16 others nicknames including Climbing nightshade and snakeberry. Native of Europe and Asia, this plant is widely naturalised elsewhere and could be discern as invasive weed. The fruit is edible by some birds, however, the berry is poisonous to humans and livestock.

Clove is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Syzygium aromaticum from its scientific name, this tree flower buds is also know as Clove. Native of Indonesia, Maluku Islands, clove’s flower buds are commonly used as spice in the cuisine of Asian, African, and parts of the western Asia, Middle East countries. Note : May also refer to clove curant (Ribes Odoratum), or Trifolium pratense as the red clover.

Common Milkweed
Common Milkweed is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Asclepias syriaca from its scientific name is also know as common milkweed and butterfly flower. This plant is native of the mild climate of the north of America, Canada and Us, near the border and the east coast.

Corncockle is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Agrostemma githago from its scientific name is also know as Corncockle. Native of Europe, until the 20th century, this plants was so common in wheat fields that they where inadventently included in harvested wheat seeds. Nowadays, this plant is present around the world, in almost every temperate climate.

Crassula Subulata
Crassula Subulata is available from world-gen, and can be found in all regions of the world. This nominate represents his scientific name. Native of the eastern cap of South Africa its adapted to arid climates or soil (a succulent plants). This plant may be extinct along his 3 others variation since 1992, last discovery dated 1900. However, some picture of C.S fastigiata remain available over internet.

Creeping Yellowcress
Creeping Yellowcress is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Rorippa sylvestris from its scientific name is an invasive plant all arround the world. Native to Europe and southwest Asia, creeping yellow-cress grow neat rivers, lakes, shores or brackish swamps.

Cry Violet
Cry Violet is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Viola cryana from its scientific name, or cry violet is an extinct plant species. Native of Europe in north central France, (Cry, Yonne) this plant was growing on sedimentary rocks like limestone or rocky outcrop.

Cutleaf Toothwort
Cutleaf Toothwort is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Strong synonym of the Cardamine genus, know as Cardamine concatenata, Dentaria laciniata from its scientific name, or Cutleaf Toothwort is a variation of a genus who grow pretty much everywhere in the world in diverse habitats. This plant range from eastern North America, Quebec to Florida and also grow in some western Us states, in rich damp wood.

Devil’s Cotton
Devil’s cotton is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Abroma augusta Linn from its scientific name, is also know as Devil’s cotton. Native of India and widely spreed in Asia, this plant have interesting medicinal property as anti-diabetic and regulation of women’s health.

Doll’s Eyes
Doll’S eyes is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Actaea pachypoda from its scientific name is native of eastern north America. Harmless to birds, by his immediate sedative effect, his berries could lead to cardiac arrest.

Dyer’s Alkanet
Dyer’s Alkanet is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Alkanna tinctoria from its scientific name is also know as dyer’s alkanet and spanish bugloss, with a few more. Native of Mediterranean counties, Mediteranean sea’s region, this plant has been commonly used as a dye, in alcohol and cosmetic.

Dysentery Bush
Dysentery Bush is available from world-gen, and can be found in all regions of the world. The nickname refer to 2 different Australian’s plants. Alyxia buxifolia represent a coastal medium shrub native of south Australia. Its nickname also include Sea box. Grewia retusifolia represent a shrubs who have a wider grow range from coastal to mountain and also have dog’s balls as nickname. The second one’s leaves have a natural history of best know bush medicines to cure dysentery and diarrhea.

Everlasting Pea
Everlasting Pea is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Lathyrus latifolius from its scientific name is also know as everlasting pea and perennial peavine. Native of Europe, and present in Australia and North America, this plant sprawls in open area or grow as a vine.

Eytelia is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Amphipappus fremontii, the only know family of his genus, is also know as Eytelia in honor to Carl Eytel. Native to the southwestern United States of America, this plant grew on dry, desert and rocky soil.

Florist’s Daisy
Florist’s Daisy is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Chrysanthemum morifolium from its scientific name, is also know as hardy garden mum and florist’s daisy. Native of China and Japan, this ornamental plant is grown almost in every country who have tempered climate.

Flowering Onion
Flowering Onion is available from world-gen, and can be found in all regions of the world. As a scientific name, any flower similar to onion is included in the Allium genus. Know as flowering onion, two species use this common name, but only one have purple petals. Allium schubertii is native of Libya, and of the eastern coast of Mediterranean sea referred as a large area by the name of the Levant. Its flower is know to cast seeds by tumbling, blown by the desert winds.

Galapagos Flower
Glalapagos Flower is available from world-gen, and can be found in all regions of the world. To date, the Galapagos Island is home to almost 600 native species of plants. According to a internal name about this plant, a scientific name could be found. In-game, Galapagos Leaf is named Alternanthera F. Alternanthera flavescens, also know as Yellow joyweed matches to the shape of the Galapagos Leaf, to the plant’s classification and color present on his picture. Yellow joyweed, or its variation native of the Galapagos Archipelago, is a tropical sub-shrub who grow on sand bars, thickets and coastal hammocks. Note : Most endemic plants of the Galapagos have an additional adaptation to help them survive in salty environment.

Garlic Mustard
Garlic Mustard is available from worldgen, and can be found in all regions of the world. Alliaria petiolata from its scientific name, is often commonly names Jack by the hedge as this plant is often found growing along margins of hedges. Native of the east coast of the Mediterranean seas, this plant also have as common name, Garlic Mustard, as its young shoot grow clumps of leaves who smell like garlic when crushed.