Netherbound Data Pack
Netherbound Data Pack (1.16.5, 1.15.2) adds a bunch of new and exciting features to the world of Minecraft Vanilla. With this data pack, you might have the slightest chance to survive in the hellish Nether biome. Throughout your adventure, you could also try to complete many unique challenges from the Advancements tab. Killing monsters would drop specific materials for crafting and there are many bosses hidden around the map so watch out. Are you ready to write your own history? Download the pack from the link below and enjoy the game.
- After using the command, players will be transferred into the Nether and gain these following temporary boosts: Fire Resistance for 45 seconds, Slow Falling for 30 seconds, and Resistance V for 15 seconds.
- New Advancements page consist of both old and new achievements from the previous versions
- Recipes are given to players progressively as they collect items.
New Recipes for Items:
- Mushroom Stew is now crafted from 3 of any combination of Red Mushrooms, Brown Mushrooms, and Crimson Fungi, and 1 Bowl.
- Books and Quills can now be crafted from 1 Book, 1 Feather, and 1 Black Dye.
- Warped Wart has been added. It can be crafted from 1 Nether Wart and 1 Warped Roots. It has replaced Fermented Poison Spores as the replacement item for Fermented Spider Eye.
- Crimson Spores have been added. They can be crafted from Crimson Fungi and can be planted on the sides of Crimson Stems, Stripped Crimson Stems, Nether Wart Blocks, and Shroomlights. After planting, they can be harvested for Crimson Fungi.
- Sugarthorn has been added. It can be planted on Magma Blocks and grown identically to Bamboo. It can be traded from Piglins.
- Sugarthorn is now used to smelt Sugar instead of Weeping Vines.
- Weeping Vines can be smelted into Ghast Tears.
- Syrup Bottles have been added. They can be crafted from 1 Glass Bottle, 1 Sugar, 1 Ghast Tear, and 1 Nether Wart. They can be drunk to restore hunger, cure poison, and gain saturation.
- Salted Porkchops have been added. They can be crafted from 1 Raw Porkchop and 1 Ghast Tear and refill 1 extra hunger points from Raw Porkchops.
- Cooked Salted Porkchops have been added. They can be crafted from 1 Cooked Porkchop and 1 Ghast Tear or smelted from Salted Porkchops. They refill 2 extra hunger points from Cooked Porkchops.
- Meat Stew has been added. It can be crafted from any two of the edible mushrooms plus 1 Cooked Salted Porkchop and 1 Bowl. Meat Stew can be used instead of a Bowl and two mushrooms. 1 Cooked Porkchop and 1 Ghast Tear can be used instead of a Cooked Salted Porkchop. Blaze Powder can be added to this recipe to make Spicy Meat Stew. Meat Stew refills 14 hunger points and grants Regeneration for 15 seconds when consumed.
- Spicy Meat Stew has been added. It can be crafted from Meat Stew and 1 Blaze Powder. It refills 8 hunger points and grants Fire Resistance for 30 seconds when consumed.
New Recipes for Blocks:
- The expected recipes for Crimson and Warped Signs have been added (Vanilla in 20w09a).
- Soul Soil can be crafted from 4 Soul Sand in a 2 x 2 square.
- Sticky Pistons can be crafted from 1 Piston and 1 Magma Cream.
- Flower Pots can be crafted from Nether Brick.
- Scaffolding can be crafted from 6 Sugarthorn and 1 String.
- Nether Wart Blocks and Warped Wart Blocks can be harvested slightly faster with swords and much faster with shears (Removed in 2.2 due to redundancy).
- Netherrack Slabs and Stairs have been added.
- Basalt Slabs, Stairs, and Walls have been added.
- Warped Wart Blocks can be crafted from 9 Warped Warts.
- Blue Nether Bricks has been added. It can be crafted from 2 Warped Wart and 2 Nether Brick in a checkerboard pattern.
- Blue Nether Brick Slabs, Stairs, and Walls have been added.
- Magic Chamber has been added, replacing the Smoker. It can be crafted from 7 Blue Nether Bricks, 1 Iron Bars, and 1 Diamond. It is used to transmute items.
- Skull Blocks have been added. They can be traded from Piglins or found generated in Soul Sand Valleys. They can be worn to prevent aggravating Endermen.
- Skull Lanterns have been added. They can be crafted from Skull Blocks and Torches and emit light.
- Gravel has been changed to Slag.
- Flint drop rate for Slag has been decreased relative to the Iron Nugget drop rate.
- Ender Chests are now crafted from Chiseled Quartz Blocks instead of Obsidian.
- Weeping Vines no longer smelt into Sugar.
New Entities and Drops:
- Blazes drop Iron Nuggets.
- Hijacks have been added. They are spiders that spawn in Warped Forests on Warped Nylium. They’re slow, but nearby players are inflicted with slowness and entities that get way too close are poisoned for 15 seconds! Wearing a helmet can protect you from the poison.
- Hijacks drop String and Warped Fungi, making many string-based recipes available.
- Every so often, if a Hijack is standing on top of Warped Nylium, it will create a Cobweb and convert the nylium into Netherrack.
- Cockatrices have been added but do not yet spawn naturally. If tamed, they can be flown.
Known Bugs:
- Nether spawning platform has a chance to not generate air, spawning players inside the terrain. I don’t know what causes this, but it seems to work fine so long as it’s not trying to generate the platform upon loading the world. Try running the /datapack disable vanilla command after you’ve generated the world for the first time without saving and quitting at all?
- Ladders, Weeping Vines, and Scaffolding are not climbable due to a missing minecraft:climbable tag.

How to Install:
Please visit the following link for full instructions:Â How To Download & Install Data Packs
Netherbound Data Pack (1.16.5, 1.15.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.15.x
Data Pack: Download from Server 1
Resource Pack: Download from Server 1
For Minecraft 1.16.x
Data Pack: Download from Server 1
Resource Pack: Download from Server 1