Milk Splash Plugin
Milk Splash Plugin (1.19.2, 1.18.2) is a plugin that adds a throwable milk splash potion for players to brew. This potion can be used to remove all potion effects from players or entities it hits. There are various configuration options available to customize the potion’s effects.
- NEW!! Allows players to brew a milk potion and a throwable splash milk potion through a brewing stand!
- Allow players to craft a throwable milk potion
- Milk potion will act as a splash potion and cleanse effects that are on all players/entities hit by it
- Option to make potion only cleanse effects from the person that threw it
- Option to make potion only cleanse negative effects
- Ability to make it so there is a cooldown between throwing milk potions (configurable time)
- Enable/disable permissions for crafting and using potion
- Change permission and cooldown messages, item name, item lore, etc. in an easy config file!
Brewing Recipe:

Crafting Recipe:
- milksplash.*
Grants all permissions - milksplash.brew
Grants the user the ability to brew milk potions
- milksplash.use
Grants the user the ability to use milk potions - milksplash.craft
Grants the user the ability to craft milk potions
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.