Java Aspects Texture Pack (1.20, 1.19) aims to give Minecraft: Bedrock Edition a similar look, sound, and feel as the original Java Edition. It brings changes to various elements, including water, explosion particles, block sounds, drowned animations, block and item names, and more. If you’re a devoted Java Edition enthusiast, you’re bound to appreciate this pack as well!

This pack supports New Default textures or Programmer Art textures. Adjust the pack option by selecting the gear on the resource packs screen.
Programmer Art textures require you to have the Classic Texture Pack from the Marketplace enabled below Java Aspects.
Features that begin with * are unique to Java Aspects (Fidelity). [Not in Java Aspects (Performance)]:
Feature List:
Universal Features (features applied regardless of the pack option you use):
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- Weeping Vines
- Blackstone Slabs and Stairs
- Cut Red Sandstone Bottom
- Chiseled Red Sandstone Bottom
- Water
- Melon Bottom
- Ominous Banner
- Grasses and Ferns
- Snowy Grass Block Side
- Carried and Opaque Leaves
- Carried Grass Block Top
- Save Structure Block
- Load Structure Block
- Structure Void
- Light
- Old Nether Reactor
Block Animations:
- Kelp
- Seagrass
- Lava
- Water
- Stem Sides
- Fire
- Soul Fire
- Soul Lantern
- Sea Lantern
- Magma Block
- Stonecutter Saw
- Smoker Front
- Campfire
- Soul Campfire
- Nether Portal
- Respawn Anchor Top
- Sculk Sensor
- Sculk Catalyst
- Lodestone Compass
- *Beds
- Seagrass
- Mangrove Propagule
- Spawn Eggs
- Locked Map
- Light
- Lava Placeholder
- Improved held End Gateway
- Improved held End Portal
- Sheep
- Fishing Hook
- Firework Rocket
- Ocelot (Model)
- Cat (Model)
- Bee (Model)
- Cow (Model)
- Pig (Model)
- Decorated Llama (Model)
- Drowned
- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Hoglin (Model)
- Ravager (Model)
- Enderman (Model)
- Shulker (Model)
- Shulker Bullet
- Phantom
- Wither
- Ghast
- Strider
- Witch (Model)
- Piglin Helmet (Position)
- Zombified Piglin
- Zombie Villager (Model)
- Zombie Villager Helmet (Position)
- Villagers (Model)
- Old Villagers (Model)
- Glow Squid (Lighting)
- Blaze (Lighting)
Entity Animations:
- Empty hand attacking
- *Held item position and size (first and third person)
- Punching animation
- Crouching position
- Shield blocking animation
- Aiming animations
- Idle arm position and animation
- Cape animation and position
- Elytra animation
- Tooting goat horn animation
- Zombie chasing and attacking
- Drowned swimming
- Skeleton idle arm position
- Skeleton bow aiming
- Creeper exploding white overlay
- Enderman shaking animation
- Witch nose position and bobbing
- Wither spawning animation
- Piglin arm position and ear bobbing
- Piglin celebrating head position
- Pillager crossbow aiming animation
- Pufferfish fins and bobbing
- Bee bobbing and wing speed
- Fish flopping
- Vex arm position and attacking
- Vindicator and zombie villager offhand item position
- Wolf tail alignment
- Villager held item position and leg movement speed
- Tropical fish flopping rotation speed
- End crystal animation
- Burning and hurt entity overlays
- Removed blinking
- Empty hand alignment
- Experience bar
- Experience level number
- *Item durability bars
- Hotbar slot
- Hotbar item count
- Unique boss bars for different situations
- Toast notification animation
- Smithing table screen
- Highlighted inventory slot
- Offhand slot inventory icon (not on hotbar)
- Selected item stack count color and position
- 3D chest icons
- *Glass pane, wall, scaffolding, lightning rod, end rod, conduit, and shield icons
- *Light block shading in inventories
- Mobile crafting and armor tab icons
- Selected item’s name outline
- Locked trades can be highlighted
- Buried Treasure Map “X” icon
- Jukebox text
- Coordinate text color and background
- HUD text position
- Main menu panorama
- Half armor HUD texture
- Removed chat message censoring
- Removed chat block previews
- Removed HUD text background and added text shadows
- Removed extended HUD text descriptions
- Removed hotbar item pulsing
- Removed flying items when quickly moving items in inventories
- Removed category text on items
- Removed “New” and “Sale!” Marketplace notifications
- Removed Marketplace button advertisements
- Removed debug text
- Pufferfish
- Wither Skeleton
- Converted Drowned
- Underwater Skeleton Horse
- Armor Stand
- Explosion
- Enchanting
- Music
- Piston
- Weather
- Blast Furnace
- Smoker
- Boats
- Chest
- Door
- Candles
- Swimming
- Splashing
- Throwing
- Cauldron
- Bell
- Big Dripleaf
- Crossbow
- Goat Horn
- Picking up and dropping items
- Bee Nest and Hive
- Coral, Coral Blocks, and Coral Fans
- Chiseled and Cracked Nether Bricks
- Gilded Blackstone
- Kelp and Seagrass
- Vines
- Crops
- Mangrove Propagule
- Block and entity sound pitches and volumes
- Thorns enchantment
- Fletcher villager works at fletching table
- Toolsmith villager works at smithing table
- Notification sounds
- Underwater ambient sounds
- Removed the air punch sound
- Removed jumping sounds
- View distance
- Surface colors
- Underwater fog
- Surface transparency
- Particle rotation
- Explosion
- Conduit
- Sculk Sensor
- Sculk Shrieker
- Splash Potion of Healing and Harming
- Campfire
- Glow Squid
- Eating
- Totem of Undying
- Breaking and walking
- Chest and ender chest breaking
- Item breaking
- Item frame breaking
- Critical hit
- Ender Dragon death
- Bubble column splashing
- Damage indicator (commands only)
- Block breaking animation
- Fog colors and distances
- End sky
- Trident riptide wind
- Banner patterns
- Random block rotation
- Command helpers
- Block, item, entity, and biome names (English, Mexican Spanish, and Italian)
- Item name and description colors
- Splash texts
- Font
New Default (features that only apply when you use the New Default Pack option):
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- Nether Wart Block
- Cactus Side
- Piston Side
- Sticky Piston Side
- Purpur Pillar Top
- Pumpkin Top
- Smoker Bottom
- Bed Legs
- Old Stonecutter
- Filled Maps
- Potions
- Tipped Arrows
- Command Block Minecart
- Grasses and Ferns
- Vines
- Lily Pad
- Dragon Fireball
- Vindicator
- Savanna Villager Base
- Cleric Villager
- Biome-specific Zombie Villagers
- Llama Chests
- Iron Golem
- Old Villagers
- Old Zombie Villagers
- Leather Cap
- Brewing stand bottle outline
- Enchanting table lapis outline
- Equipment tab
- Mobile armor tab
Programmer Art (features that only apply when you use the Programmer Art Pack option):
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- Lava
- Crying Obsidian
- Horn Coral Block
- Brain Coral Block
- Acacia Door
- Birch Door
- Dark Oak Door
- Jungle Door
- Smithing Table Top
- Shield
- Dried Kelp
- Bucket of Pufferfish
- Command Block Minecart
- Cat
- Horse
- Donkey
- Mule
- White Rabbit

Installation Note:
The companion pack Christmas Chests is also available below. It works with or without Java Aspects. Christmas Chests replaces the default chest textures and icons with Java Edition’s Christmas-themed textures for a more festive experience.
Java Aspects comes with two download options: Fidelity and Performance. Fidelity contains features that cause more lag, like item icons and held item positions but crashes the game on mobile devices. The performance runs better but doesn’t include durability bars, held item positions, or item icons.
Mobile players should always download the Performance version of Java Aspects.
Java Aspects and Christmas Chests are guaranteed to be compatible with VDX: Java UI 1.2.4 and Multipixel 1.19, but you must match the load order in the screenshot below:

Java Aspects Texture Pack (1.20, 1.19) Download Links
For MCPE/Bedrock 1.19
Java Aspects (Performance) [Required for Mobile Devices]: Download from server 1 – Download from server 2
Java Aspects (Fidelity) [Crashes on Mobile Devices]: Download from server 1 – Download from server 2
Christmas Chests: Download from server 1 – Download from server 2
Missing Texture Patch: Download from server 1 – Download from server 2
For MCPE/Bedrock 1.20
Java Aspects (Performance) [Required for Mobile Devices]: Download from server 1 – Download from server 2
Java Aspects (Fidelity) [Crashes on Mobile Devices]: Download from server 1 – Download from server 2
Christmas Chests: Download from server 1 – Download from server 2
Missing Texture Patch: Download from server 1 – Download from server 2