Helpgui Plugin
HelpGUI Plugin (1.12.2) is a simple and easy-to-use help-request plugin! You just need to type /help or /h in the chat and an Inventory with the head of every player on the server opens!
Commands and permissions
- /help or /h
Permission: helpgui.disablehelp
Use the permission, to disable the command for certain players. (This has no effect to players with OP) - helpgui [help/reload] or /hgui [help/reload] Permission: helpgui.admin
Other functions
HelpGUI has some other functions, like…
- A lang.yml to change the text, like you want!
- Possibility to remove certain players from the Inventory. (config.yml -> DisabledPlayers)
You can turn it into a whitlist. In this mode, only players, that are in the list, will be visible in the inv. - Possibility to disable the command in certain worlds. (config.yml -> DisabledWorld)
- A staff-mode, that only shows player with the permission helpgui.admin
- You can search for specific players with /h [Name]
- You can search for groups with /h group:[Groupname]
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.