Defiled Lands Mod

Defiled Lands Mod 1.12.2 adds dangerous defiled biomes filled with unique dangers and treasures. These biomes contains unique resources which allows the creation of unique and powerful tools and weapons, which leads to a (unfinished) boss fight.

Defiled Lands Mod 1.12.2 (Dangerous Creatures and Plants) 1

This mod adds a variety of defiled biomes that spawn in the world, with their own set of unique dangerous creatures and plants, as well as treasures. Additionally, several “normal” blocks will be turned into their defiled variant when placed inside those biomes.


Defiled Desert

  • Defiled Desert is a biome added by Defiled Lands. It is essentially a defiled version of the vanilla Desert, with a surface of Defiled Sand and having all special characteristics shared by defiled biomes. Unlike other defiled biomes, Tenebra trees and Blastems will not spawn in this biome.

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Defiled Plains

  • Defiled Plains is a biome added by Defiled Lands. It is essentially a defiled version of the vanilla Plains, with a surface of Defiled Grass and having all special characteristics shared by defiled biomes.

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Defiled Swamp

  • Defiled Swamp is a biome added by Defiled Lands. It is essentially a defiled version of the vanilla Swampland, with a surface of Defiled Grass and having all special characteristics shared by defiled biomes. Unlike other defiled biomes and similarly to Swamplands, Lily Pads will generate within this biome.

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Tenebra Forest

  • Tenebra Forest is a biome added by Defiled Lands. It is essentially a defiled version of the vanilla Forest, with a surface of Defiled Grass and a large density of Tenebra trees.

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Vilespine Forest

  • Vilespine Forest is a biome added by Defiled Lands. It is a defiled biome very similar to a Tenebra Forest, but with large quantities of Vilespine replacing most of the Tenebra trees.

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Defiled Ice Plains

  • Defiled Ice Plains is a biome added by Defiled Lands. It is essentially a defiled version of the vanilla Ice Plains, with a surface of Defiled Grass covered in Snow. Because of this, it can be hard to find the boundaries of the biome, as it blends with surrounding snow-covered biomes.

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Defiled Hills

  • Defiled Hills is a biome added by Defiled Lands. It is essentially a defiled version of the vanilla Extreme Hills, with a surface of Defiled Grass and Defiled Stone. Snow can generate on the most elevated parts of the biome.

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  • The Blastem is a plant added by Defiled Lands. It can be found in all defiled biomes except Defiled Deserts.
  • It can only be planted on Defiled Dirt or Defiled Grass, and will slowly mature over time. When fully mature, a Blastem Fruit will be visible on the plant, which can be either be harvested by breaking the plant or right clicking it.
  • If any entity, except creatures from defiled biomes (like Scuttlers), touches a mature Blastem, its fruit will instantly explode.

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  • The Scuronotte is a plant added by Defiled Lands. It can be found in all defiled biomes, and be crafted into Defilement Powder.
  • It can only be planted on Defiled Dirt, Defiled Grass, Defiled Stone, Defiled Sand and Defiled Sandstone. It can also spread over time, similarly to Mushrooms, although unlike them it can do so at any light level.

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  • Vilespine is a plant added by Defiled Lands. It can be found in all defiled biomes, particularly in Vilespine Forests. It can be crafted into Arrows or Spiked Pellets.
  • It can only be planted on Defiled Dirt, Defiled Grass and Defiled Sand. It will slowly grow over time, similarly to Sugar Cane, up to 7 blocks tall. Any entity that isn’t from defiled biomes will take 3 (Heart.svgHalf Heart.svg) damage when touching Vilespine of any size.

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Book Wyrm

  • The Book Wyrm is a neutral creatures added by Defiled Lands. It spawns inside defiled biomes where it replaces passive animals (Pigs, Cows, etc.). Adult Book Wyrms will retaliate when any nearby Book Wyrm (including themselves) is attacked, while babies will run away.
  • When killed, Book Wyrms will drop 0-2 Raw Book Wyrm and 0-2 Book Wyrm Scale. If a Book Wyrm was on fire when it died, then the Raw Book Wyrm will be cooked.
  • Book Wyrms can be fed Enchanted Books, which they will slowly digest for their “level value”. This value is equal to the minimum amount of levels the player has to spend to get this specific enchantment in an Enchanting Table, summed for each enchantment on the Enchanted Book. These can range from 1 (Efficiency I, Power I and Protection I among others) to 45 (Sharpness V) without any other mod adding enchantments.
  • Once a Book Wyrm has digested enough “level value”, it will consume it to create a brand new Enchanted Book. This new Book can only have a single enchantment, unlike books enchanted at an Enchanting Table or found in dungeons.
  • Book Wyrms can be bred using Foul Candy. However, unlike vanilla animals, Book Wyrms have several characteristics that can be passed and improved from generation to generation, contributing to improving their Enchanted Book recycling.
  • The characteristics of a given Book Wyrm can be determined by using a Book Wyrm Analyzer on it.
  • Digesting time is the time, in game ticks, that the Book Wyrm needs to digest 1 “level value.” The lower the value the better. It can range between 160 (8 seconds) and 240 (12 seconds) for wild ones, but can be improved through breeding all the way down to 1. For example, a Book Wyrm with a digesting time of 200 (10 seconds) will take 3000 ticks (150 seconds) to fully digest a Fortune I Enchanted Book (worth 15 “level value”).
  • This is the amount of “level value” the Book Wyrm needs to digest before making a new Enchanted Book, as well as with how many levels will it enchant it. This ranges between 3 and 6 for wild ones, but can be improved up to 30 through breeding.
  • Wild Book Wyrms have a 1% chance of having a golden hide. Such Book Wyrms will drop Golden Book Wyrm Scales instead of the standard Book Wyrm Scales as well as being able to enchant recycled Enchanted Books with treasure enchantments (enchantments which cannot be obtained through an Enchanting Table), such as Mending.
  • Breeding 2 non-golden Book Wyrms together has a 1% chance of giving a golden offspring, just like wild ones. This can be improved to 4% by having one of the parents be golden, and up to 10% by having both parents be golden.

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Defiled Lands Mod 1.12.2 (Dangerous Creatures and Plants) 13

Defiled Slime

  • The Defiled Slime is an hostile monster added by Defiled Lands. It only spawns when an Host takes damage, and drops Foul Slime on death.
  • It acts very similar to a Slime, but moves faster and jumps higher, while also being immune to fall damage. Also like Slimes, bigger ones will split into smaller ones upon death, but unlike Slimes the smallest size is able to deal damage to the player.

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  • The Host is an hostile monster added by Defiled Lands. It spawns in dark areas in defiled biomes, and drops Rotten Flesh and Foul Slime when killed.
  • It acts very similar to a Zombie, but doesn’t burn in sunlight and will spawn Defiled Slimes when damaged by anything. The amount of Slimes spawned is proportional to the amount of damage taken, and higher instances of damage can spawn larger Slimes.

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  • The Scuttler is an hostile monster added by Defiled Lands. It spawns in defiled biomes at any light level, but is more common in darker places. When killed it drops String and Scuttler Eyes.
  • It acts very similar to a Spider, but remains hostile in daylight and will try to move in circles around its target instead of just walking straight towards it.

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  • The Shambler is an hostile monster added by Defiled Lands. It spawns in dark areas in defiled biomes above y-level 50, and may drop a Black Heart when killed.
  • It has high health and is immune to knockback and projectiles, but moves very slowly, will nearly instantly disappear in sunlight and cannot fit through 2 blocks high . Its melee attacks deal high damage, knock their target a large distance, apply Slowness II and Mining Fatigue II for several seconds as well as Blindness for a very short duration.

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Twisted Shambler

  • The Twisted Shambler is an hostile monster added by Defiled Lands. It spawns in dark areas in defiled biomes below y-level 50, and may drop a Black Heart when killed.
  • Besides the spawn height and visual apparence, it is identical to Shamblers, but moves twice as fast, which makes them even more dangerous.

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The Destroyer

  • The Destroyer is a boss added by Defiled Lands. It can be summoned by using a Calling Stone on an active Conjuring Altar. When killed, it drops Defilement Powder and Ravaging Essence.
  • Its melee attacks, on top of dealing high damage, will send their victim in the air, similarly to Iron Golems. If its target is out of reach, it will perform huge leaps in an attempt to close the gap, causing an explosion as powerful as a Creeper’s when landing. Those explosions treat most blocks as having a blast resistance of no more than 4, similarly to the blue skulls fired by the Wither. As the mob’s health goes down, those leaps become increasingly faster.

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Conjuring Altar

  • The Conjuring Altar is a block added by Defiled Lands. It can be found inside small structures made of Defiled Stone Bricks and Defiled Sandstone inside all defiled biomes. Breaking it without Silk Touch will only drop Defiled Stone.
  • A Conjuring Altar will become active under the following conditions:
    • The Altar is placed inside a defiled biome.
    • The 2 blocks above the Altar are air blocks.
  • If those conditions are fulfilled, the red marks on it will glow brighter and right-clicking it with a Calling Stone will consume the Stone and summon The Destroyer.

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Defiled Lands Mod 1.12.2 (Dangerous Creatures and Plants) 21

Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod

Ravaging Bricks

Defiled Lands Mod 1.12.2 (Dangerous Creatures and Plants) 22

Ravaging Stone

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Umbra Blaster

It can be used to fire Blastem Fruits and Blazing Blastem Fruits twice as fast as they can be thrown by hand, as well as improve their effectiveness through enchantments.

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Umbrium Sword

It is very similar to its Iron counterpart, but has higher durability and enchatability.

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Concussion Smasher

Holding right click with this weapon will pull the trigger on its side, and releasing it will cause an explosion with half the power of a TNT’s that doesn’t break blocks or harm the player. The explosion can be released before the trigger is fully pulled, but this will drastically reduce its strength.

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Scarlite Razor

It has much faster attack speed than any other Sword, but has low damage and very low durability.

Holding right click with the Razor will cause the player to take 3 (Heart.svgHalf Heart.svg) damage to regain 2 shanks of hunger. This will also use up 1 durability on the Razor.

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Scarlite Reaver

It is very similar to a Diamond Sword, but trades some attack damage for attack speed, and will give the player a brief burst of Regeneration upon hitting any creature.

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Ravaging Axe

It can chop wood extremely fast to the point of instantly breaking it, but destroying any block with it will yield no drop.

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Ravaging Pickaxe

It can mine stone extremely fast to the point of instantly breaking it, but destroying any block with it will yield no drop.

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Ravaging Shovel

It can dig soil extremely fast to the point of instantly breaking it, but destroying any block with it will yield no drop.

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The Ravager

It can be used to fire Pellets such as the Umbrium Pellet, which travel like a Blaze’s fireball until they hit a target.

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Ravaging Pellet

It can be fired with The Ravager, flying like a Blaze’s fireball and dealing 20 damage on a hit, as well as applying Vulnerability for 10 seconds. The effect is applied after the damage is dealt, meaning the first hit won’t have increased damage.

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Spiked Pellet

It can be fired with The Ravager, flying like a Blaze’s fireball and dealing 10 damage on a hit, as well as applying Bleeding for 10 seconds. If the creature hit was already under the effect of Bleeding, it is reapplied with an extra level, with no upper bound.

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Umbrium Pellet

It can be fired with The Ravager, flying like a Blaze’s fireball and dealing 10 damage on a hit.

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Blazing Blastem Fruit

It can be crafted from Blastem Fruits and Hephaestite Shards.

It can be thrown by either right-clicking or through the use of an Umbra Blaster just like normal Blastem Fruits. Compared to a normal Blastem Fruit, a Blazing one creates a 50% larger explosion radius, deals 10 (Heart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svgHeart.svg) points of damage while also leaving Fires in the explosion’s wake and setting ablaze any mob directly hit.

Blazing Blastem Fruits have a cooldown of 1 second before they can be used again. The cooldown is shown by a white overlay on the Fruit in the hotbar.

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Calling Stone

When used on an active Conjuring Altar, it will be consumed to summon The Destroyer.

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Foul Candy

It can be crafted using Foul Slime, or be found inside defiled dungeons.

It can be eaten much faster than standard food, and is also used to breed Book Wyrms.

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Healing Pad

It can be crafted using Scarlite and a Black Heart. Any entity standing on top of it will receive Regeneration II as long as they remain on it, and up to 2.5 seconds after getting off.

It is a defiling block, meaning it will passively defile nearby blocks when inside a defiled biome.

Defiled Lands Mod 1.12.2 (Dangerous Creatures and Plants) 39


Minecraft Forge

Baubles Mod

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Defiled Lands Mod 1.12.2 Download Links

For Minecraft 1.12.1, 1.12

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For Minecraft 1.12.2

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Resource Packs

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1.18.2 Resource Packs

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1.12.2 Resource Packs

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1.17.1 Resource Packs

1.14.4 Resource Packs

1.13.2 Resource Packs

1.11.2 Resource Packs

1.10.2 Resource Packs

1.9.4 Resource Packs


1.19.4 Shaders

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1.19.2 Shaders

1.18.2 Shaders

1.17.1 Shaders

1.16.5 Shaders


1.19.4 Maps

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1.18.2 Maps

1.16.5 Maps

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1.12.2 Maps

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1.14.4 Maps

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Data Packs

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1.18.2 Data Packs

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1.15.2 Data Packs

1.18.1 Data Packs

1.17.1 Data Packs

1.14.4 Data Packs

1.13.2 Data Packs


Mods & Addons

MCPE 1.19 Add-ons

MCPE 1.19 Mods

Texture Packs

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MCPE 1.19 Maps


MCPE 1.19 Clients

Mod Menu Clients


MCPE 1.19 Shaders

Render Dragon Shaders


Skin Packs


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1.19.3 Clients

1.19.2 Clients

1.18.2 Clients

1.16.5 Clients

1.12.2 Clients

1.8.9 Clients


1.19.4 Launchers

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1.19.2 Launchers

1.18.2 Launchers

1.16.5 Launchers

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1.7.10 Launchers


1.19.4 Seeds

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Installation Guide

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Seeds Wiki Guide

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Status Effects Wiki Guide

Enchantments Wiki Guide

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