Davincis Vessels Mod
Davincis Vessels Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 allows the players to use some blocks in the mod to transform one structure building into a mode of transport in the water or space. You can craft ships and sail them across the sea and/or fly them across the sky!!
Wanna fly that giant sky island you made the other day? Want to actually use that pirate ship you built? Then this mod is what you need. Place a helm, add some balloons and off you go.

Crafting Recipes:
Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod
Blocks Helm
The helm is required for any type of ship, simply place a helm on a standalone structure, right click assemble and mount! Once this is done you can control the ship, when you’re done you can press the ship gui Key (Default K) and disassemble.
Blocks Balloon
The balloon is made of wool and string. If you want a different color use dye. You must change the color before you turn it into a balloon.
Blocks Floater
Functions like a normal block of wood except it has a different density, using this in your ship construction lets it float more easily.
Blocks Seat
If you add a seat to your ship, other players can right click the ship to be assigned and mounted to a seat after assembly.
Blocks Anchor
Used if you need to anchor to a point consistently. Do it in this order:
- place one anchor on the ground an set it as ground-anchor (RIGHT CLICK)
- place the second anchor on your ship and set it as ships-anchor (SHIFT RIGHT CLICK)
- then activate the anchor-setup at the ships-anchor (RIGHT CLICK on it (no shift))
You can read in the chat, that the position was saved.
Both anchors will align on top of each other with ONE BLOCK of space. If you align within range (about 20 blocks) of the anchor, the ship will snap to the position of the ground anchor!
Hints to avoid game crashes:
If you move your ship, the Archimedes Ships Mod Plus creates a mobile entity, which is wrapped into an invisible four-side box. The edges of this box are the outermost (last) blocks on each side. Make sure that the ships-anchor-block is the deepest block on the bottom of your ship!!!
If it is not the deepest, the ship will try to align with the ground-anchor with exactly one block of space. The ground-anchor penetrates the four-side box. That is impossible because you cant fly through a mountain. This crashes the game.
Blocks Crate
If you want to take your dog on your ship with you this is the way, use a lead to carry a mob on top of the crate and it’ll lock right into place. To release the mob apply a redstone signal to the crate or right click the crate.
Blocks Engine
Engines are used to increase the speed of your ship, each time you add an engine to a ship the speed will increase. They require a fuel source like coal or wood to function.
Blocks Buffer
The buffer is a block that’s excluded from the ship’s list of constructable blocks, like dirt or sand. It will never be included in a ship build even if it’s touching! This makes it useful for building docks and berths for your ships.
Use in conjunction with Anchor Points so that your ship aligns with them when docking.
Blocks StickyBuffer
The sticky buffer is the opposite of the shore buffer; it is included as part of the ship during assembly. To craft it, use a shore buffer and a slime ball.
Ship Characteristics:
As you may or may not know, ships can have different characteristics based on how you build them! This gives a brief explanation of characteristics of your ship.
Ship Density
Based on the blocks you use to create your ship, it will sink lower, or sink less! For example, a ship made of iron blocks will sink more than a block made of wood. This is based on the block’s material (Iron = Metal, Wooden Planks = Wood), you can of course configure this to make things more or less dense to your desire!
Balloon Count
If you make a ship and want it to fly you need balloons, by default 40% of your ship needs to be balloons! As per usual you can change this in the config and just make all ships fly with no balloons at all!
Flood Fill Survivability
Did you make a submarine but it would submerge, odds are you didn’t quite do it right.
How to install:
How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge
How To Download & Install Fabric Mods
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Davincis Vessels Mod 1.12.2, 1.10.2 Download Links
For Minecraft 1.7.10
For Minecraft 1.8.9
For Minecraft 1.10.2
For Minecraft 1.12.1, 1.12