Coinsengine Plugin
CoinsEngine Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) brings an innovative economic twist to the Minecraft universe, introducing a complex virtual economy system that adds depth and excitement to gameplay. With its unique in-game currency and dynamic market dynamics, this plugin offers players the opportunity to engage in trading, commerce, and financial strategy within the confines of the virtual world.
- Unlimited Currencies! Create as many currencies as you want!
- Data Migration. Migrate player data from various plugins with a simple command!
- Designed for Networks. Share player’s currency balances between all your servers by using MySQL!
- Decimals or Integers. Make your currency with decimals support or leave it simple integer.
- Start Value. Set currency start value given to all new players!
- Max Value. Set currency max value that will limit player’s max. balance (can be disabled).
- Custom Format. Set custom format for each of your currency! Like “10 Coins” or “[1] â” or whatever you want!
- Custom Commands. Create direct and custom commands for your currencies! /gems for Gems, /coins for Coins, etc! You can create multiple aliases for the same currency!
- Permission Requirement. Set whether or not players must have permission in order to use certain currency!
- Allow Transfering. Set whether or not players can transfer certain currencies over themselves.
- Top Balances. View players with the most balances for each currency!
- Toggle Payments. Enable or disable payments acception from other players for each currency individually (per-player command)!
- Opertation Logs. Log all command-based currency operations into separate file!
- Vault Economy Support. Set which currency will be used as primary server economy currency (optional)! You won’t need extra economy plugin!
- PlaceholderAPI Support.
: This command allows players to check their current coin balance./pay <player> <amount>
: Players can use this command to transfer coins to another player./trade <player> <item>
: This command initiates a trade with another player, using coins as a form of currency./shop
: Opens the server’s virtual shop, where players can spend their coins to purchase various items./coinsengine reload
: Server administrators can use this command to reload the plugin’s configuration.
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your pluginâs directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.