Chococraft Mod

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) adds a mob called Chocobo from the Final Fantasy series to Minecraft. This includes different coloured mob types with different attributes in their grown-up and juvenile form. There are 9 types each with their own color and abilities. They can be tamed with Gysahl Greens and will breed just like other animals in the game.

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 1

They can be found in mountains, plains and forest biomes but special types can only be bred into the game. White ones are super fast and can cross water; gold, pink or red ones can fly and climb and are also the fastest; and Purple ones are only found in the Nether or End and can fly, cross lava, won’t take fall damage and are overall immune to fire. There are also a few variations in between.



  • Chocobos spawn in nearly all biomes of vanilla and ExtrabiomesXL. A complete list can be found in the Chococraft config file.
  • It may be safe to assume that the Natura Biomes are not spawnable locations for Chocobos, though this requires more research.
  • Chocobos are passive mobs. If attacked, they will run and try to hide from you.
  • There are 9 different colors of Chocobo: Yellow, Blue, Green, White, Black, Gold, Red, Pink, and Purple.
  • Yellow is the only Chocobo that spawns naturally in the Overworld. You however can get different color Chocobos by breeding them with Loverly (20% Chance of new color with new and better abilities) or Golden Gysahls (50% Chance). Golden Gysahls are REQUIRED to get a Gold Chocobo from breeding. Purple Chocobos, on the other hand, only spawn in the Nether.

Gysahl Greens

  • Gysahl can be found anywhere in the overworld.
  • Gysahl are used for taming and healing Chocobos. Chocobos must be hand-fed the Gysahl, and after a random amount of Gysahl, it seems to grow a red or blue collar as a dog would, indicating it is tamed. The amount of Gysahl required to tame can range, from current evidence, from one to six. This taming procedure is mandatory for the breeding of two Chocobos.
  • Gysahl can be farmed. After the player picks a wild Gysahl, it can be placed in a crafting grid to yield three Gysahl Seeds. These can be planted in farmland as any other normal crop, and will pass through two middle stages before reaching maturity, which appears identical to the Gysahl in the wild.
  • While harvesting planted Gysahls there is a chance they will yield Loverly or Golden Gysahl, which are both domestic mutations of the garden-variety Gysahl and are used for breeding Chocobos. When this instance occurs, the crop will not yield seeds. Hence, you must continue growing Gysahl to get the Loverly and/or Golden Gysahl, which will not provide seeds when placed in the crafting grid.
  • Gysahl Greens can also be crafted with sugar to make Gysahl Raw Pickles and cooked in a furnace to make Gysahl Pickles for players to eat as well.
  • The Gysahl has few other uses such as the Gysahl Cake, which causes a Chicobo to grow up instantly, and Red and Pink Gysahl , which are made by crafting regular greens with red or pink dye. These latter Gysahl are used to color Gold Chocobos into Pink and Red Chocobos.


All Chocobos can be bred together by feeding the Chocobos either Golden or Loverly Gysahls. The Golden Gysahls give a 50% chance at mutation, while the Loverlies give a 20% chance.

  • Yellow Chocobos have no special abilities, and spawn naturally in the wild.
  • Green Chocobos can go up two block high walls without having to jump. Made by breeding two Yellow.
  • Blue Chocobos travel faster than normal chocobos on water. They also give you water breathing. Made by breeding two Yellow.
  • White Chocobos can climb and swim, while being faster than the Yellow, Green, or Blue Chocobos. Made by breeding a Green with a Blue.
  • Black Chocobos can climb, swim and jump higher, while being faster then a White Chocobo. Black Chocobos also give you night vision. Made by breeding a White with a Yellow.
  • Gold Chocobos can climb, fly, and swim. Additionally, they are immune to fall damage. Also the tied for fastest with the Pink and Red Chocobos. Made by breeding a White and Black while using Golden Gysahls only.
  • Purple Chocobos have all the abilities of Gold (except they are slower) with the addition of the ability to walk on lava. These can not be achieved by breeding and must be found wandering the Nether. They are EXTREMELY rare and also lay eggs rather than producing Chocobos directly.
  • Red Chocobos have all the abilities of Gold, but also can not be achieved by breeding, rather by feeding a gold Chocobos red gysahl .
  • Pink Chocobos have all the abilities of Gold, but also can not be achieved by breeding, rather by feeding a gold Chocobos pink gysahl.

Items and Blocks:

  • 1. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 2 Gysahl Greens – Gysahl Greens are the most important block in ChocoCraft. They are used to tame Chocobos and to create various other greens. Just like flowers, Gysahl Greens will grow randomly across the map and can be collected and even planted again.
  • 2. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 3 Raw Chocobo Leg – This piece of meat is dropped by the most unfortunate Chocobos. Just like regular chicken legs, they can be cooked on a furnace.
  • 3. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 4 Cooked Chocobo Leg – By eating this yummy chocobo leg, you’ll reduce your famine. A Chocobo Leg reduces famine even more than a cooked chicken leg, healing just as much as a cooked pork chop.
  • 4. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 5Chocobo Feather – Chocobo Feathers are very attractive items to Chocobos. They can be used to build saddles, whistles, and even special types of gysahls. Tamed chocobos will occasionaly drop these.
  • 5. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 6 Chocobo Saddle – Tamed Chocobos can only be ridden once they are saddled with these special saddles.
  • 6. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 7 Chocobo Saddle Bags – Saddled Chocobos can be equipted with one of these to give them some transport and storage capacities. Once saddle bags are fitted onto a Chocobo, they can be accessed by shift-right-clicking the Chocobo. (can be used on Chocobo, but inventories are disabled at the moment)
  • 7. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 8 Chocobo Pack Bags – Tamed Chocobos can be equipted with one of these to give them some transport and storage capacities. Once pack bags are fitted onto a Chocobo, they can be accessed by right-clicking the Chocobo. (can be used on Chocobo, but inventories are disabled at the moment)
  • 8. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 9 Chocobo Whistle – (no function yet, will be used in future to call last ridden Chocobo to the current player position).
  • 9. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 10 Loverly Gysahl – Loverly Gysahls are a special domestic mutation of Gysahl Greens. When growing Gysahl seeds in tilted earth, there is a chance the crop will grow into a Loverly Gysahl. This form of the plant does not appear in the wild. Loverly Gysahls are used to make a Chocobo fall in love and look for a partner to procreate.
  • 10. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 11 Golden Gysahl – Just like Loverly Gysahls, Golden Gysahls are used to make Chocobos procreate. Like Loverly Gysahls this is a domestic mutation of Gysahl Greens. These romantic herbs are known to increase the chances of adquiring a new type of Chocobo.
  • 11. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 12 Gysahl Cake – Chicobos just love gysahl greens and cakes, and when you join both, they’re get really happy. Gysahl Cakes give joy to a Chicobo, making him grow up instantly into one big and beautiful Chocobo.
  • 12. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 13 Raw Gysahl Pickles – First step towards some tasty cooked Gysahl pickles.
  • 13. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 14 After cooking raw Gysahl pickles you will receive this tasty Gysahl pickles. It will not only taste marvelous, but also reduce your famine a little.
  • 14. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 15 Pink Gysahl – Weird synthetic gysahls are known to cause extreme effects to Chocobos. So beware.
  • 15. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 16 Red Gysahl – Weird synthetic gysahls are known to cause extreme effects to Chocobos. So beware.
  • 16. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 17 Gysahl Seeds – Seeds made from Gysahl Greens. Can be planted to build a Gysahl Green farm and can be fertilized with Chocobo Fertilizer.
  • 17. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 18 Chocopedia – Notebook that keeps information about the Chocobos. Allows player to name their chocobo, check on information about health and breeing status and even give orders.
  • 18. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 19 Straw – Straw cover for a Chocobo pen.
  • 19. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 20 Purple Chocobo Egg – Produced by breeding purple male and female Chocobo.


Different types of Chocobos:

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 21

Okay, maybe there are more than 6:

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 22

Gysahl Greens:

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 23

Ready to Ride:

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 24

Golden big bird next to a proud owner:

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 25

Love in the air:

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 26

Proud of his offspring:

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 27

Chocobo Names:

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 28


ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 29

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 30

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 31

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 32

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 33

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 34

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 35

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 36

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 37

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 38

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 39

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 40

Crafting Recipes:

Recommend that you should install Just Enough Items (for mods using Forge) or Roughly Enough Items (for mods using Fabric) to view the full recipes included in this mod

1. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 41

Chocobo Saddle = 1 Leather, 2 Strings, 1 Chocobo Feather

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 42

2. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 43

Chocobo Saddle Bags = 3 Leather, 1 Chocobo Feather

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 44

3. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 45

Chocobo Pack Bags = 4 Silk, 2 Cloth, 1 Leather, 1 Chocobo Feather

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 46

4. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 47

Chocobo Whistle = 1 Gold Ingot, 1 Chocobo Feather

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 48

5. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 49

Gysahl Cake = 2 Milk, 2 Wheat, 2 Sugar, 2 Gysahl Green, 1 Egg

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 50

6. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 51

Gysahl Seeds = 1 Gysahl Green

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 52

7. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 53

Chocopedia = 1 Book, 2 Ink Sac, 4 Chocobo Feathers, 1 Lapis Lazuli and 1 Gold Nugget

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 54

8. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 55

4 Arrows = 1 Flint, 1 Stick and 1 Chocobo Feather

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 56

9. ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 57

4 Straw = 1 Wheat

ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) - Chocobos from Final Fantasy 58


Minecraft Forge

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

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ChocoCraft Mod (1.20.1, 1.19.4) Download Links

Other Versions:

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For Minecraft 1.4.5

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For Minecraft 1.7.10

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For Minecraft 1.8.0

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For Minecraft 1.16.5

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For Minecraft 1.17.1

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For Minecraft 1.18.1

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For Minecraft 1.18.2

Forge version: Download from server 2

For Minecraft 1.19.1

Forge version: Download from server 2

For Minecraft 1.19.2

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For Minecraft 1.19.4

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Fabric version: Download from Server 1Download from server 2

For Minecraft 1.20.1

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Fabric version: Download from Server 1Download from server 2


1.19.4 Mods

1.19.3 Mods

1.19.2 Mods

1.18.2 Mods

1.16.5 Mods

1.15.2 Mods

1.12.2 Mods

1.8.9 Mods

1.7.10 Mods

1.18.1 Mods

1.17.1 Mods

1.14.4 Mods

1.13.2 Mods

1.11.2 Mods

1.10.2 Mods

1.9.4 Mods

Minecraft Modpacks

1.19.4 Modpacks

1.19.3 Modpacks

1.19.2 Modpacks

1.18.2 Modpacks

1.16.5 Modpacks

1.12.2 Modpacks

1.7.10 Modpacks

Forge Mods

Fabric Mods

Quilt Mods

Resource Packs

1.19.4 Resource Packs

1.19.3 Resource Packs

1.19.2 Resource Packs

1.18.2 Resource Packs

1.16.5 Resource Packs

1.15.2 Resource Packs

1.12.2 Resource Packs

1.8.9 Resource Packs

1.7.10 Resource Packs

1.18.1 Resource Packs

1.17.1 Resource Packs

1.14.4 Resource Packs

1.13.2 Resource Packs

1.11.2 Resource Packs

1.10.2 Resource Packs

1.9.4 Resource Packs


1.19.4 Shaders

1.19.3 Shaders

1.19.2 Shaders

1.18.2 Shaders

1.17.1 Shaders

1.16.5 Shaders


1.19.4 Maps

1.19.3 Maps

1.19.2 Maps

1.18.2 Maps

1.16.5 Maps

1.15.2 Maps

1.12.2 Maps

1.8.9 Maps

1.7.10 Maps

1.18.1 Maps

1.17.1 Maps

1.14.4 Maps

1.13.2 Maps

1.11.2 Maps

1.10.2 Maps

1.9.4 Maps

Data Packs

1.19.4 Data Packs

1.19.3 Data Packs

1.19.2 Data Packs

1.18.2 Data Packs

1.16.5 Data Packs

1.15.2 Data Packs

1.18.1 Data Packs

1.17.1 Data Packs

1.14.4 Data Packs

1.13.2 Data Packs


Mods & Addons

MCPE 1.19 Add-ons

MCPE 1.19 Mods

Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Resource Packs


MCPE 1.19 Maps


MCPE 1.19 Clients

Mod Menu Clients


MCPE 1.19 Shaders

Render Dragon Shaders


Skin Packs


1.19.4 Clients

1.19.3 Clients

1.19.2 Clients

1.18.2 Clients

1.16.5 Clients

1.12.2 Clients

1.8.9 Clients


1.19.4 Launchers

1.19.3 Launchers

1.19.2 Launchers

1.18.2 Launchers

1.16.5 Launchers

1.12.2 Launchers

1.7.10 Launchers


1.19.4 Seeds

1.19.3 Seeds

1.19.2 Seeds

1.18.2 Seeds



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Installation Guide

Mobs Wiki Guide

Seeds Wiki Guide

Biomes Wiki Guide

Status Effects Wiki Guide

Enchantments Wiki Guide

Materials Wiki Guide

Command Blocks

