Breaking Out Map
Breaking Out Map 1.12.2, 1.12 for Minecraft is a puzzle map created by NOAHSTERNP. In “Breaking out,” you play a well-known thief, after many years of successful robbery, eventually captured by the police. Most importantly, your best friend and criminal partner have also been abducted. You both are housed in the highest security prison and do not seem to have left here. However, both of you are always very smart and have done what you can not do, so it now depends on how you come up with a way out of jail without being caught.This map is designed to work in both single and multiplayer games but keep in mind that only two players can play in multiplayer because there are just two main characters. In general, Breakthrough is an exciting puzzle that induces anger, and you will love it if you are a wild-eyed fanatic.
- Please do not play on any other version or it may not work!
- Do not cheat.
- You should set Render Distance to 12 or upper.
How to install:
- Please visit the following link for full instructions:Â How To Download & Install Minecraft Maps
Breaking Out Map Download Links
For Minecraft 1.12.2, 1.12