Better Teams Plugin
Better Teams Plugin (1.20.1, 1.19.4) is designed to encourage teamwork and a sense of community within a server.
- Team Rank
- Team Home
- Team Bank
- Team Chat
Commands and Permissions:
Command | Permission | Description | Default? |
team | betterteams.standard | Access to any of /team | Yes |
team join | betterteams.join | Joins the specified team | Yes |
team create | betterteams.create | Creates a new team | Yes |
team leave | betterteams.leave | Leave the players current team | Yes |
team home | betterteams.home | Teleports you to your team home | Yes |
team sethome | betterteams.sethome | Sets your teams home | Yes |
team chat | | Gives access to the team chat | Yes |
team info | | Gives access to view information about other teams | Yes |
team invite | betterteams.invite | Invites a player to the specified team | Yes |
team kick | betterteams.kick | Kicks a player from the specified team | Yes |
team ban | betterteams.ban | Bans the specified player from the team | Yes |
team unban | betterteams.unban | Unbans the specified player from the team | Yes |
team disband | betterteams.disband | Disbands the team the player is in | Yes |
team name | | Sets the name for the team | Yes |
team description | betterteams.description | Sets the description for the team | Yes |
team open | | Toggles if the team is open to everyone | Yes |
team promote | betterteams.promote | Promotes the specified player up a rank in the team | Yes |
team demote | betterteams.demote | Demotes the specified player down a rank in the team | Yes |
team bal | betterteams.balance | View your teams balance | Yes |
team withdraw | betterteams.balance | Withdraw money from the teams balance | Yes |
team deposit | betterteams.balance | Deposit money into the teams balance | Yes |
team title | betterteams.title | Change that players title within the team | Yes |
team title | betterteams.title.color.color | Allows the user to add color codes into their titles | No |
team title | betterteams.title.color.format | Allows the user to add format codes into their titles | No |
team title | betterteams.title.self | Allows the user to change their own title even if they are not the team owner | No |
team rank | betterteams.rank | View the rank of a team | Yes |
team top | | View the top teams | Yes |
team baltop | betterteams.baltop | View the richest | Yes |
team color | betterteams.color | Change the color of the team name | Yes |
team ally | | Add an alliance for your team | Yes |
team neutral | betterteams.neutral | Remove an alliance from your team | Yes |
team allychat | betterteams.allychat | Send a message that only your team allies will see | Yes |
team setowner | betterteams.setowner | Set a player to be the new owner of the team | Yes |
team warp | betterteams.warp | Warp to the location set by team members | Yes |
team setwarp | betterteams.setwarp | Create a new warp for your team to warp to | Yes |
team delwarp | betterteams.delwarp | Delete a warp from you team | Yes |
team warps | betterteams.warps | View a list of your teams warps | Yes |
team chest claim | betterteams.chest.claim | Claim a chest | Yes |
team chest remove | betterteams.chest.remove | Remove a chest claimed by your team | Yes |
team chest removeall | betterteams.chest.removeall | Removes all team chest claims | Yes |
team echest | betterteams.echest | Opens your team’s ender chest | Yes |
team rankup | betterteams.rankup | Ranks your team up to the next level | Yes |
team tag | betterteams.tag | Change the tag of your team | Yes |
team pvp | betterteams.pvp | Toggles if pvp is allowed between team members | Yes |
teama | betterteams.admin | Allows access to admin commands | No |
teama reload | betterteams.admin.reload | Reloads the config | No |
teama chatspy | betterteams.admin.chatspy | Spy on messages sent to team chats | No |
teama version | betterteams.admin.version | View better teams plugin version | No |
teama home | betterteams.admin.home | Teleport to any teams home | No |
teama title | betterteams.admin.title | Change other users titles | No |
teama name | | Change the name of a team | No |
teama description | betterteams.admin.description | Change the description of a team | No |
teama open | | Set if a team is open or invite only | No |
teama invite | betterteams.admin.invite | Invite a player to a team | No |
teama create | betterteams.admin.create | Create a team without an owner | No |
teama join | betterteams.admin.join | Allow a player to join a team | No |
teama demote | betterteams.admin.demote | Demote a player within their team | No |
teama promote | betterteams.admin.promote | Promote a player within their team | No |
teama setowner | betterteams.admin.setowner | Used to set a player to team owner when “singleOwner” is set to true | No |
teama leave | betterteams.admin.leave | Force a player to leave a team | No |
teama warp | betterteams.admin.warp | Warp to a location set by a team | No |
teama setwarp | betterteams.admin.setwarp | Set a warp for a team | No |
teama delwarp | betterteams.admin.delwarp | Delete a warp for a team | No |
teama purge | betterteams.admin.purge | Purges all team scores and resets them back to 0 | No |
teama score set | betterteams.admin.score.set | Sets the teams score to the specified amount | No |
teama score add | betterteams.admin.score.add | Adds the specified amount to the team’s score | No |
teama score remove | betterteams.admin.score.remove | Removes the specified amount from the team’s score | No |
teama money set | | Sets the teams balance to the specified amount | No |
teama money add | | Adds the specified amount to the team’s balance | No |
teama moeny remove | | Removes the specified amount from the team’s balance | No |
teama disband | betterteams.admin.disband | Disbands the specified team | No |
teama setrank | betterteams.admin.setrank | Sets the rank of the specified team | No |
teama tag | betterteams.admin.tag | Sets the tag of the specified team | No |
teama color | betterteams.admin.color | Sets the specified teams color | No |
teama chest claim | betterteams.admin.chest.claim | Claim a chest for a team | No |
teama chest remove | betterteams.admin.chest.remove | Remove a claim from a chest | No |
teama chest removeall | betterteams.admin.chest.removeall | Remove all chest claims from a team | No |
teama chest disableclaims | betterteams.admin.chest.disable | Disable chest claims | No |
teama chest enableclaims | betterteams.admin.chest.enable | Enable chest claims | No |
teama echest | betterteams.admin.echest | Open that team’s echest | No |
teama teleport | betterteams.admin.teleport | Teleport the team | No |
teama holo create | betterteams.admin.holo | Creates a hologram at your location (Requires HolographicDisplays) | No |
teama holo delete | betterteams.admin.holo | Deletes the closest better teams hologram to you (Requires HolographicDisplays) | No |
Command cooldown | betterteams.cooldown.bypass | Bypass the command cooldown which can be configured in team.yml | No |
Price bypass | betterteams.cost.bypass | Bypass the command cost which can be configured in team.yml | No |
Warmup bypass | betterteams.warmup.bypass | Bypass the warmup for teleport commands | No |
betterTeams.admin.selector | Allows usage of @a, @p | No | |
Chest claim bypass | betterTeams.chest.bypass | Bypass all chest claims | No |
How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugin’s directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.