Better Lush Caves Mod

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) adds exciting new features to lush caves in Minecraft. Spore blossom particles float in the air, even without spore blossoms nearby. Coal ore generates below y=0, while rooted dirt, grass patches, and flowers appear underground. Lily pads are found on water, and bee nests with bees spawn in caves. Glow lichen spawns on moss, reducing mob spawns. Lush aquifers now include moss, clay, dripleafs, sand, glow lichen, and seagrass. Azalea trees generate naturally in caves open to the sky, and bonemealing moss may spawn glow lichen, spore blossoms, and cave vines if there is air beneath the moss.

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 1


  • Spore blossom particles float in lush caves.
  • Coal ore generates below y=0, with rooted dirt, grass patches, and flowers underground.
  • Lily pads and bee nests with bees spawn in caves.
  • Glow lichen spawns on moss to reduce mob spawns.
  • Lush aquifers now include moss, clay, dripleafs, sand, and seagrass.
  • Azalea trees generate naturally in open caves.
  • Bonemealing moss spawns glow lichen, spore blossoms, and cave vines.


Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 2

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 3

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 4

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 5

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 6

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 7

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 8

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 9

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 10

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 11

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) - Enhance the Beauty of the Lush Cave 12


Minecraft Forge, Fabric API, Fabric Loader, Quilt Installer, NeoForge Installer

How to install:

How To Download & Install Mods with Minecraft Forge

How To Download & Install Fabric Mods

How To Download & Install The Quilt Loader

Don’t miss out today’s latest Minecraft Mods

Better Lush Caves Mod (1.21.1, 1.20.1) Download Links

For Minecraft 1.19.3, 1.19.2, 1.19.1

Forge/Fabric/Quilt Version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For All Versions From Minecraft 1.19.4 Minecraft 1.20.2

Forge/Fabric/Quilt Version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For Minecraft 1.20.4, 1.20.3, 1.20.2, 1.20.1

Forge/Fabric/Quilt Version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2

For All Versions From Minecraft 1.20.5 Minecraft 1.21.1

Forge/Fabric/Quilt/NeoForge Version: Download from Server 1Download from Server 2


1.19.4 Mods

1.19.3 Mods

1.19.2 Mods

1.18.2 Mods

1.16.5 Mods

1.15.2 Mods

1.12.2 Mods

1.8.9 Mods

1.7.10 Mods

1.18.1 Mods

1.17.1 Mods

1.14.4 Mods

1.13.2 Mods

1.11.2 Mods

1.10.2 Mods

1.9.4 Mods

Minecraft Modpacks

1.19.4 Modpacks

1.19.3 Modpacks

1.19.2 Modpacks

1.18.2 Modpacks

1.16.5 Modpacks

1.12.2 Modpacks

1.7.10 Modpacks

Forge Mods

Fabric Mods

Quilt Mods

Resource Packs

1.19.4 Resource Packs

1.19.3 Resource Packs

1.19.2 Resource Packs

1.18.2 Resource Packs

1.16.5 Resource Packs

1.15.2 Resource Packs

1.12.2 Resource Packs

1.8.9 Resource Packs

1.7.10 Resource Packs

1.18.1 Resource Packs

1.17.1 Resource Packs

1.14.4 Resource Packs

1.13.2 Resource Packs

1.11.2 Resource Packs

1.10.2 Resource Packs

1.9.4 Resource Packs


1.19.4 Shaders

1.19.3 Shaders

1.19.2 Shaders

1.18.2 Shaders

1.17.1 Shaders

1.16.5 Shaders


1.19.4 Maps

1.19.3 Maps

1.19.2 Maps

1.18.2 Maps

1.16.5 Maps

1.15.2 Maps

1.12.2 Maps

1.8.9 Maps

1.7.10 Maps

1.18.1 Maps

1.17.1 Maps

1.14.4 Maps

1.13.2 Maps

1.11.2 Maps

1.10.2 Maps

1.9.4 Maps

Data Packs

1.19.4 Data Packs

1.19.3 Data Packs

1.19.2 Data Packs

1.18.2 Data Packs

1.16.5 Data Packs

1.15.2 Data Packs

1.18.1 Data Packs

1.17.1 Data Packs

1.14.4 Data Packs

1.13.2 Data Packs


Mods & Addons

MCPE 1.19 Add-ons

MCPE 1.19 Mods

Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Resource Packs


MCPE 1.19 Maps


MCPE 1.19 Clients

Mod Menu Clients


MCPE 1.19 Shaders

Render Dragon Shaders


Skin Packs


1.19.4 Clients

1.19.3 Clients

1.19.2 Clients

1.18.2 Clients

1.16.5 Clients

1.12.2 Clients

1.8.9 Clients


1.19.4 Launchers

1.19.3 Launchers

1.19.2 Launchers

1.18.2 Launchers

1.16.5 Launchers

1.12.2 Launchers

1.7.10 Launchers


1.19.4 Seeds

1.19.3 Seeds

1.19.2 Seeds

1.18.2 Seeds



Bukkit Plugins

Spigot Plugins

Paper Plugins


Installation Guide

Mobs Wiki Guide

Seeds Wiki Guide

Biomes Wiki Guide

Status Effects Wiki Guide

Enchantments Wiki Guide

Materials Wiki Guide

Command Blocks

