Asgard Shield Mod



  • Adds shields and guarding mechanics to Minecraft. *Optional SmartMoving Exhaustion System*
  • Four shields can be Crafted, Upgraded, and fully Enchantable -Totaling 8 shields-
  • Zed Swords, Slash n Guard and fully Enchantable -Totaling 5 giant swords-
  • Addons:
    • Nether-Ender, two new tiers of equipment -Totaling 4 shields & 2 giant swords-
    • Hallowed, three new tiers of equipment- Totaling 6 shields & 3 giant swords-
    • Harken Scythe, a new tier of equipment- Totaling 2 shields & 1 giant sword- *Forge Only*

Screenshots and Recipes:

[1] Asguard Shield name is inspired by the Golem from the Wild Arms Series. Whose name means to “Protect by an impenetrable wall”.

Zed Sword name is inspired by the Metal Demon from the first Wild Arms. He wields the massive blade “Doombringer”, who at the end becomes an Protector.

[Guarding Mechanics]

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While holding a sword, Players can hold Right Click to toggle to a shield

that is placed on their action bar. Releasing will toggle back to sword.
-Single Right Click to switch between Sword <–to–> Shield without auto toggling-

-Hold Right Click/Release to auto toggling back after Guarding with shield-


<—————– —Swords[ ]Shields——— ———–>

Swords have a high priority on the right-side of Action Bar and Shields have a high priority on the Left-side of Action bar.
-Giant swords do not toggle to shields when used-

Shields and giant swords provide a passive protection just by have one selected, however their true defense is activated by holding down the Right Click. Players will raise the shield/sword up and Guard against all forms of hostile damage. * Movement speed will be reduced while in guarding stance *

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-Giant swords serve and act as a shield while guarding-
While the shield or giant sword is raised, players will have a percent chance to block (based on type of shield equipped/ 75% with giant swords), protecting from all damage (besides fire/fall/void/suffocation/drowning). Blocked attacks will lower the shields/swords durability. If Durability reaches Zero the item will break.

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Each time a shield or giant sword is damaged, pieces will be broken off!

[Vanguard System]

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With each Successful Block while guarding, Vanguard charges will store up. Once enough charge is built players can unleash “Vanguard“.
-Hold Right Click and Left Click on Ground or Air to activate- -or- -Hold Right Click and Sneak key to activate-

Vanguard: Is a special ability that blasts back all visible targets within 5 Blocks of the player and inflicts the following effects.

Guard Guage Booster: Allows the GG to recover 50% of the current GG amount. The lower the GG, the more GG you gain.
AoE Push: All targets are pushed away from character. Skill is enhanced by player Enchants and shield Knockback stat.
Dazed: All targets movement speed is reduced to 20% for 5 seconds.
Confuse: All targets are effected by confuse for 10 seconds.
Shield Enchants: All current shield enchants are applied to the targets.

[Guard Gauge System, Harken Scythe Support, and SmartMoving support]

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Asgard Shield Guard Gauge System: Players will drain their Guard Gauge(GG) while guarding and recover when not guarding. If GG hits its cap, the status “Guard Break” will occur.

*GG Icons change depending on the equipment being used!*

*Gilded shields have Golden Borders*
Guard Break: While under the effect of Guard Break, players can’t guard until their Guard Gauge recovers to safe zone *Which is about 70% full GG* During this time the GG will recover at a faster rate.

Basic Shield, Gilded Shield and Giant Sword GG drain rate: Depending on what type of item is being used, the GG will drain at different rates. Gilded Shields add a golden Border to the GG.

Basic Shield and Giant Sword: Drain at a normal rate of 1 unit per second. (Full GG = 10 secs of guarding)
Gilded Shield: Drain at half the normal rate. 1 unit per 2 second. (Full GG = 20secs of guarding)

Harken Scythe Support: Harken Scythe offers Asgard Shield Shields the Ward Augment.

Ranks (3): 10/20/30% Chance on a successful Block while guarding to gain an extra Vanguard Charge.

Vanguard and Guard Gauge Config: Y_Offset Options: Allow the user to move the HUD up and down per HUD Element unit (a normal displayed distance Minecraft has for its GUIs). 0 is the default.

SmartMoving Exhaustion System: Asgard Shield is able to influence SmartMoving mod’s“Exhaustion System”. This provides a smooth compatibility between the two mods and delivers more dynamic guarding system.

Players will increase their exhaustion while guarding and recover when not guarding. If exhaustion hits its cap, the status “Guard Break” will occur. SmartMoving Exhaustion System will override Asgard Shield Guard Gauge if enabled*
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!!! To disable SmartMoving Exhaustion while Guarding, check your AsgardShieldConfig.txt or AsgardShield_Core.CFG!!!

[Back Tools Support]

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Highly suggest using Back Tools mod to show off the shields on players back!

*Not friendly with Smartmoving atm*

[2] img-responsive Asgard Shields: Four types of shields can be crafted and upgraded. !!Gold can be used to improve stats!!

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– Asgard Shield Stats –
Durability: Total amount of damage the shield and absorb before breaking.
Damage: Total amount of damage the shield and inflict when hitting a target.
Passive Armor: Total amount of damage protection while not guarding.
Successful Block Chance: Chance of fully absorbing all damage while guarding.
Knockback: Total amount distance target will move away when hit by shield.
Weakness: Tells what situations when to not use certain shields.
Special Perk: Each shield type has their own special abilities while guarding.

Wooden Shield: A light wooden shield able to block many attacks but suffers low durability.

Durability: 118
Damage: 1/2 Heart
Passive Armor: 10% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 80%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: Fire -Fire burns quickly through wood, be careful!
Special Perk: Arrow Catch: 50%- On successful guard allows player to collect foes arrows!

Gilded Wooden Shield: An Improved wooded shield with improved stats.

Durability: 246
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 15% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 90%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Fire -Fire burns quickly through wood, be careful!
Special Perk: Arrow Catch: 100%- On successful guard allows player to collect foes arrows!

Stone Shield: A heavy stone shield with a high knockback and damage, but suffers low successful block chance.

Durability: 131
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 15% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 70%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Explosions -Stone breaks easily from strong overwhelming damage.
Special Perk: Fire Extinguish: 50%- On guard to extinguish the flames if player is on fire!

Gilded Stone Shield: An Improved stone shield with improved stats.

Durability: 259
Damage: 1 1/2 Hearts
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 80%
Knockback: 2 Blocks
Weakness: Explosions -Stone breaks easily from strong overwhelming damage.
Special Perk: Fire Extinguish: 100%- On guard to extinguish the flames if player is on fire!

Iron Shield: A thick iron shield boasting balanced stats and explosion protection.

Durability: 250
Damage: 1/2 Heart
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: Water -Iron begins to rust in water Increasing durability damage taken.
Special Perk: Unmovable Object: 50%- Less explosion durability damage when guarding.

Gilded Iron Shield: An Improved iron shield with improved stats.

Durability: 378
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 25% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 85%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Water -Iron begins to rust in water. Increases Durability damage taken.
Special Perk: Unmovable Object: 100%- Less explosion durability damage when guarding.

Diamond Shield: A polished diamond shield supreme durability and successful block chance.

Durability: 780
Damage: 1/2 Heart
Passive Armor: 25% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 90%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: Displace -Reflected damage also damages durability.
Special Perk: Reflect: 30%- On Successful guard to reflect 33% damage back to attacker. *This includes projectiles, spells, and fireballs*

Gilded Diamond Shield: An Improved diamond shield with improved stats.

Durability: 908
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 30% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 100%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Displace -Reflected damage also damages durability.
Special Perk: Reflect: 60%- On Successful guard to reflect 33% damage back to attacker. *This includes projectiles, spells, and fireballs*

[2.1] img-responsive Zed Swords: Five types of giant swords can be crafted. !! Able to Guard attacks however no Vanguard ability !!

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– Zed Sword Stats –
Durability: Total amount of damage the shield and absorb before breaking.
Damage: Total amount of damage the shield and inflict when hitting a target.
Passive Armor: Total amount of damage protection while not guarding.
Successful Block Chance: Chance of fully absorbing all damage while guarding.
Knockback: Total amount distance target will move away when hit by giant sword.

Wooden Giant Sword: A massive sword made from wood, cheap to make but suffers low durability.

Durability: 88
Damage: 2 Hearts
Passive Armor: 10% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

Stone Giant Sword: A heavy craved stone sword, stronger then wood

Durability: 196
Damage: 2 1/2 Hearts
Passive Armor: 15% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

Iron Giant Sword: A strong sword forged from iron, offers great passive protection.

Durability: 375
Damage: 3 Hearts
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

Golden Giant Sword: A poor mans dream sword, lacking stats but great enchantability.

Durability: 48
Damage: 2 Hearts
Passive Armor: 15% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

Diamond Giant Sword: A highly sharp and enduring blade of diamonds, highest stats.

Durability: 2341
Damage: 3 1/2 Hearts
Passive Armor: 25% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

Addons: New tiers of equipment can be crafted using materials supported by other mods.

[Nether-Ender]: Two new tiers of shields and giant swords can be crafted, upgraded and enchanted.

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img-responsive Asgard Shields:
Nether Shield: An harden shield that pulses with deep red veins.

Durability: 369
Damage: 1/2 Heart
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: Hungering -The living mass feeds on the wielder, drains hunger gauge.
Special Perk: Flame Keeper: 50%- On successful guard allows player to collect flames from fire sources!

Gilded Nether Shield: An Improved nether shield with improved stats.

Durability: 497
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 25% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 85%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Hungering -The living mass feeds on the wielder, drains hunger gauge.
Special Perk: Flame Keeper: 100%- On successful guard allows player to collect flames from fire sources!
Ender Shield: A surprising light shield crafted from Ender technology

Durability: 435
Damage: 1/2 Heart
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: End Tech -Ender folk can bypass through guard (Enderman and Ender Dragon).
Special Perk: Ender Shift: 20%- On successful guard teleports attacker away from player.

Gilded Ender Shield: An Improved ender shield with improved stats.

Durability: 563
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 25% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 85%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: End Tech -Ender folk can bypass through guard (Enderman and Ender Dragon).
Special Perk: Ender Shift: 40%- On successful guard teleports attacker away from player.

img-responsive Zed Swords:

Nether Giant Sword: An harden blade that pulses with deep red veins.

Durability: 1646
Damage: 3 Hearts
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

Ender Giant Sword: A surprising light sword crafted from Ender technology

Durability: 1829
Damage: 3 Hearts
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

[Hallowed]: Two new tiers of shields and giant swords can be crafted, upgraded and enchanted.

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img-responsive Asgard Shields:
Skull Shield:

A shield crafted from skull and bones.

Durability: 174
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 15% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 80%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: Brittle Bones -10%- On Successful guard to receive x3 durability damage.
Special Perk: Mind Control: 15%- On successful guard controls attacker to attack other targets or commit suicide. (Does not work on mobs without brains, undead, slimes, ect)

Gilded Skull Shield: An Improved skull shield with improved stats.

Durability: 302
Damage: 1 1/2 Hearts
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 90%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Brittle Bones -10%- On Successful guard to receive x3 durability damage.
Special Perk: Mind Control: 30%- On successful guard controls attacker to attack other targets or commit suicide. (Does not work on mobs without brains, undead, slimes, ect)

Patchwork Shield: A smelly stitched together zombie torso.

Durability: 54
Damage: 1/2 Heart
Passive Armor: 10% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 90%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: Foulness -5%- On successful guard effects player with nausea.
Special Perk: Foulness: 10%- On successful guard effects attacker with nausea.

Gilded Patchwork Shield: An Improved patchwork shield with improved stats.

Durability: 182
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 15% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 100%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Foulness -5%- On successful guard effects player with nausea.
Special Perk: Foulness: 20%- On successful guard effects attacker with nausea.

img-responsive Zed Swords:
Skull Giant Sword:

A sword crafted from skull and bones.

Durability: 260
Damage: 2 1/2 Hearts
Passive Armor: 15% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

Patchwork Giant Sword: A smelly stitched together zombie leg.

Durability: 40
Damage: 2 1/2 Hearts
Passive Armor: 10% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

[HarkenScythe]: A 3 new tiers of shields and giant swords can be crafted, upgraded and enchanted.

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img-responsive Asgard Shields:

Livingmetal Shield: A self repairing shield made from Iron and Souls.

Durability: 250
Damage: 1/2 Heart
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: Souleater -Uses Soulkeeper charges to activate Matrix barrier. Cost 1 charge.
Special Perk: Matrix: 10%- On successful guard to activate a defensive barrier around the player, absorbs up to 20 damage.

Gilded Livingmetal Shield: An Improved livingmetal shield with improved stats.

Durability: 378
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 25% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 85%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Souleater -Uses Soulkeeper charges to activate Matrix barrier. Cost 1 charge.
Special Perk: Matrix: 10%- On successful guard to activate a defensive barrier around the player, absorbs up to 30 damage.
Spectral Shield (Lunar): A very light, obscured, shape-changing shield.

Durability: 152
Damage: 1/2 Heart
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 90%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: Daylight -Shield will deactivate during the day time.
Special Perk: Phase: 10%- On successful guard turns player invisible and clouds attacking targets sight.

Gilded Spectral Shield (Lunar): An Improved spectral shield (Lunar) with improved stats.

Durability: 280
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 25% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 100%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Daylight -Shield will deactivate during the day time.
Special Perk: Phase: 20%- On successful guard turns player invisible and clouds attacking targets sight.

Spectral Shield (Solar): A very light, obscured, shape-changing shield.

Durability: 152
Damage: 1/2 Heart
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 90%
Knockback: 1 Block
Weakness: Nightfall -Shield will deactivate during the night.
Special Perk: Phase: 10%- On successful guard turns player invisible and clouds attacking targets sight.

Gilded Spectral Shield (Lunar): An Improved spectral shield (Lunar) with improved stats.

Durability: 280
Damage: 1 Heart
Passive Armor: 25% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 100%
Knockback: 1.5 Blocks
Weakness: Nightfall -Shield will deactivate during the night.
Special Perk: Phase: 20%- On successful guard turns player invisible and clouds attacking targets sight.

img-responsive Zed Swords:
Livingmetal Giant Sword: A self repairing giant sword made from Iron and Souls.

Durability: 375
Damage: 3 Hearts
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

Spectral Giant Sword (Lunar): A very light obscured sword.
*Only able to Guard at Night*

Durability: 122
Damage: 3 Hearts
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block

Spectral Giant Sword (Solar): A very light obscured sword.
*Only able to Guard during the Day*

Durability: 122
Damage: 3 Hearts
Passive Armor: 20% less damage taken.
Successful Block Chance: 75%
Knockback: 1 Block


Requires: Minecraft Forge


  • 1. Be sure Minecraft Forge API is installed in your Minecraft.jar and Meta folder is deleted.
  • 2. Place in your .minecraft/mods Folder
  • 3. After first game load, feel free to tweak Item.IDs in your AsgardShield_Core.CFG file as needed. (Found in .minecraft/config folder)

Addon Install

  • 1. Be sure most current Asgard Shield Client version is installed in your Minecraft.jar.
  • 2. Open and drag Contents into Minecraft.jar.
  • 3. After first game load, feel free to tweak Item.IDs in your Asgard Shield Addon Config.txt as needed. (Found in .minecraft/mods folder)


  • 1.5.2 Asgard Shield_Core 2.0.3 and all ASAddons updated for Minecraft 1.5.2.


For Minecraft 1.5.2


Asgard Shield Addons (Forge)



Harken Scythe:

For Minecraft 1.5.1


Asgard Shield Addons (Forge)



For 1.5


Asgard Shield Addons (Forge)



For Minecraft 1.4.7

Asgard Shield Addons (Forge)



Harken Scythe:

For Minecraft 1.4.6

Asgard Shield Addons (Forge)



Harken Scythe:

For Minecraft 1.4.5

Asgard Shield Addons (Forge)



Harken Scythe:


1.19.4 Mods

1.19.3 Mods

1.19.2 Mods

1.18.2 Mods

1.16.5 Mods

1.15.2 Mods

1.12.2 Mods

1.8.9 Mods

1.7.10 Mods

1.18.1 Mods

1.17.1 Mods

1.14.4 Mods

1.13.2 Mods

1.11.2 Mods

1.10.2 Mods

1.9.4 Mods

Minecraft Modpacks

1.19.4 Modpacks

1.19.3 Modpacks

1.19.2 Modpacks

1.18.2 Modpacks

1.16.5 Modpacks

1.12.2 Modpacks

1.7.10 Modpacks

Forge Mods

Fabric Mods

Quilt Mods

Resource Packs

1.19.4 Resource Packs

1.19.3 Resource Packs

1.19.2 Resource Packs

1.18.2 Resource Packs

1.16.5 Resource Packs

1.15.2 Resource Packs

1.12.2 Resource Packs

1.8.9 Resource Packs

1.7.10 Resource Packs

1.18.1 Resource Packs

1.17.1 Resource Packs

1.14.4 Resource Packs

1.13.2 Resource Packs

1.11.2 Resource Packs

1.10.2 Resource Packs

1.9.4 Resource Packs


1.19.4 Shaders

1.19.3 Shaders

1.19.2 Shaders

1.18.2 Shaders

1.17.1 Shaders

1.16.5 Shaders


1.19.4 Maps

1.19.3 Maps

1.19.2 Maps

1.18.2 Maps

1.16.5 Maps

1.15.2 Maps

1.12.2 Maps

1.8.9 Maps

1.7.10 Maps

1.18.1 Maps

1.17.1 Maps

1.14.4 Maps

1.13.2 Maps

1.11.2 Maps

1.10.2 Maps

1.9.4 Maps

Data Packs

1.19.4 Data Packs

1.19.3 Data Packs

1.19.2 Data Packs

1.18.2 Data Packs

1.16.5 Data Packs

1.15.2 Data Packs

1.18.1 Data Packs

1.17.1 Data Packs

1.14.4 Data Packs

1.13.2 Data Packs


Mods & Addons

MCPE 1.19 Add-ons

MCPE 1.19 Mods

Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Resource Packs


MCPE 1.19 Maps


MCPE 1.19 Clients

Mod Menu Clients


MCPE 1.19 Shaders

Render Dragon Shaders


Skin Packs


1.19.4 Clients

1.19.3 Clients

1.19.2 Clients

1.18.2 Clients

1.16.5 Clients

1.12.2 Clients

1.8.9 Clients


1.19.4 Launchers

1.19.3 Launchers

1.19.2 Launchers

1.18.2 Launchers

1.16.5 Launchers

1.12.2 Launchers

1.7.10 Launchers


1.19.4 Seeds

1.19.3 Seeds

1.19.2 Seeds

1.18.2 Seeds



Bukkit Plugins

Spigot Plugins

Paper Plugins


Installation Guide

Mobs Wiki Guide

Seeds Wiki Guide

Biomes Wiki Guide

Status Effects Wiki Guide

Enchantments Wiki Guide

Materials Wiki Guide

Command Blocks

