Minecraft 1 16 5 Mods Page 210

Boss Mods

Fly Mods

Food Mods

Gun Mods

Xray Mods

Enchanted Wolves Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) – Enchanted Companion, Stronger Pet Thumbnail

Enchanted Wolves Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) – Enchanted Companion, Stronger Pet

Enchanted Wolves Mod (1.18.2, 1.16.5) implements a recipe for a leather collar which can be enchanted...

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Super Axes Mod 1.16.5 (Vanilla Tree-Chopper) Thumbnail

Super Axes Mod 1.16.5 (Vanilla Tree-Chopper)

Super Axes Mod 1.16.5 adds super axes that help chop down trees for easier wood resource gathering. Sneaking...

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Bunch o’ Trinkets Mod 1.16.5 (Improve QoL Trinkets) Thumbnail

Bunch o’ Trinkets Mod 1.16.5 (Improve QoL Trinkets)

Ever wanted a bunch of trinkets? Here you go. Bunch o’ Trinkets Mod 1.16.5 adds a bunch of trinkets...

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Iron Shulker Boxes Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Many New Versions of Shulker Box) Thumbnail

Iron Shulker Boxes Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Many New Versions of Shulker Box)

Iron Shulker Boxes Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 add different material versions of the Shulker Box including Iron,...

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Overloaded Compressed Blocks Mod 1.16.5 1.15.2 (Compressed Everything) Thumbnail

Overloaded Compressed Blocks Mod 1.16.5 1.15.2 (Compressed Everything)

Overloaded Compressed Blocks Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 allows creation of compressed blocks for any other block...

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Furenzu Mod 1.16.5 (Anime, Companion) Thumbnail

Furenzu Mod 1.16.5 (Anime, Companion)

Furenzu Mod 1.16.5 implements into the game a new system to tame and explore the world with a companion...

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Peanuts Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Be a Peanut Farmer?) Thumbnail

Peanuts Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Be a Peanut Farmer?)

Have you ever wanted to be a peanut farmer? Do you want more types of food or just want to be able to...

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Vemerioraptor Mod 1.16.5 (Raptors) Thumbnail

Vemerioraptor Mod 1.16.5 (Raptors)

Vemerioraptor Mod 1.16.5 adds into the game a dinosaur, the vemerioraptor. They spawn in a various biomes...

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Shear Madness Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2 (New Use for Sheep) Thumbnail

Shear Madness Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2 (New Use for Sheep)

Shear Madness Mod 1.16.5, 1.12.2 is a stupid mod about making sheep more aesthetically pleasing. Features: Chiseling...

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Quiver Redux Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Quiver as It was Intended) Thumbnail

Quiver Redux Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Quiver as It was Intended)

Quiver Redux Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 adds a quiver for managing arrows, but unlike most mods, this quiver...

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Stone Age Mod 1.16.5 (Animals, Building, Tools) Thumbnail

Stone Age Mod 1.16.5 (Animals, Building, Tools)

Stone Age Mod 1.16.5 transforms Minecraft back into the primal era, where stick and stone are the primary...

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Simple Portals Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Interdimensional Travel) Thumbnail

Simple Portals Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Interdimensional Travel)

Simple Portals Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 adds constructable portals that allow interdimensional travel between...

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CreeperFix Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Tweak Damage Caused by Creepers) Thumbnail

CreeperFix Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 (Tweak Damage Caused by Creepers)

CreeperFix Mod 1.16.5, 1.15.2 allows setting what kind of damage Creepers do to the world. Features: Config...

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Smooth Bedrock Mod 1.16.5 (Bedrock Generation Completely Flat) Thumbnail

Smooth Bedrock Mod 1.16.5 (Bedrock Generation Completely Flat)

Smooth Bedrock Mod 1.16.5 for fabric makes bedrock generate flat in worlds. Worlds that have flat layers...

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HerboCraft Mod 1.16.5 (Plants vs Zombies) Thumbnail

HerboCraft Mod 1.16.5 (Plants vs Zombies)

HerboCraft Mod 1.16.5 brings to you a really fun game like Plants vs Zombies, now let’s defend...

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1.19.4 Mods

1.19.3 Mods

1.19.2 Mods

1.18.2 Mods

1.16.5 Mods

1.15.2 Mods

1.12.2 Mods

1.8.9 Mods

1.7.10 Mods

1.18.1 Mods

1.17.1 Mods

1.14.4 Mods

1.13.2 Mods

1.11.2 Mods

1.10.2 Mods

1.9.4 Mods

Minecraft Modpacks

1.19.4 Modpacks

1.19.3 Modpacks

1.19.2 Modpacks

1.18.2 Modpacks

1.16.5 Modpacks

1.12.2 Modpacks

1.7.10 Modpacks

Forge Mods

Fabric Mods

Quilt Mods

Resource Packs

1.19.4 Resource Packs

1.19.3 Resource Packs

1.19.2 Resource Packs

1.18.2 Resource Packs

1.16.5 Resource Packs

1.15.2 Resource Packs

1.12.2 Resource Packs

1.8.9 Resource Packs

1.7.10 Resource Packs

1.18.1 Resource Packs

1.17.1 Resource Packs

1.14.4 Resource Packs

1.13.2 Resource Packs

1.11.2 Resource Packs

1.10.2 Resource Packs

1.9.4 Resource Packs


1.19.4 Shaders

1.19.3 Shaders

1.19.2 Shaders

1.18.2 Shaders

1.17.1 Shaders

1.16.5 Shaders


1.19.4 Maps

1.19.3 Maps

1.19.2 Maps

1.18.2 Maps

1.16.5 Maps

1.15.2 Maps

1.12.2 Maps

1.8.9 Maps

1.7.10 Maps

1.18.1 Maps

1.17.1 Maps

1.14.4 Maps

1.13.2 Maps

1.11.2 Maps

1.10.2 Maps

1.9.4 Maps

Data Packs

1.19.4 Data Packs

1.19.3 Data Packs

1.19.2 Data Packs

1.18.2 Data Packs

1.16.5 Data Packs

1.15.2 Data Packs

1.18.1 Data Packs

1.17.1 Data Packs

1.14.4 Data Packs

1.13.2 Data Packs


Mods & Addons

MCPE 1.19 Add-ons

MCPE 1.19 Mods

Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Texture Packs

MCPE 1.19 Resource Packs


MCPE 1.19 Maps


MCPE 1.19 Clients

Mod Menu Clients


MCPE 1.19 Shaders

Render Dragon Shaders


Skin Packs


1.19.4 Clients

1.19.3 Clients

1.19.2 Clients

1.18.2 Clients

1.16.5 Clients

1.12.2 Clients

1.8.9 Clients


1.19.4 Launchers

1.19.3 Launchers

1.19.2 Launchers

1.18.2 Launchers

1.16.5 Launchers

1.12.2 Launchers

1.7.10 Launchers


1.19.4 Seeds

1.19.3 Seeds

1.19.2 Seeds

1.18.2 Seeds



Bukkit Plugins

Spigot Plugins

Paper Plugins


Installation Guide

Mobs Wiki Guide

Seeds Wiki Guide

Biomes Wiki Guide

Status Effects Wiki Guide

Enchantments Wiki Guide

Materials Wiki Guide

Command Blocks

