Ruined Equipment Mod
With Ruined Equipment Mod (1.19.4, 1.18.2) installed, Tools and Armors break into Ruined forms. The Ruined equipment can then be repaired in either a Crafting Grid or Anvil, upgraded by “Empowering” it with a Netherite Scrap or kept as a keepsake. May you never forget your fallen tools and armors & the adventures you had with them.
Grieving equipment owner? Tools and Armors break into Ruined forms for repair or memorial purposes.
Ruined Items:
- Ruined varieties of the following Items:
- All vanilla Tools/Swords
- All vanilla Armors (including Turtle Shell)
- Shields
- Misc: Shears, Flint & Steel, Bow, Crossbow, Trident, Fishing Rod
- All modded tools/armors: These will drop a “Ruined Item’s Ashes” and do not have special “ruined” textures
- Tools & Armors will become “Ruined” when their durability reaches 0 (and you hear the break sound).
- Ruined equipment keep all their NBT data – this includes (but is not limited to) name, enchantments (although the enchantments no longer functionally do anything), dyes (if leather armor), and banner pattern (if shield).
- Ruined items with Mending are repairable when held in hands while collecting experience.
- You can apply Lore to your Ruined Items by combining them with a Name Tag in an Anvil!
- The Lore will carry over to your Item if you choose to repair it.
- You have 4 choices when you receive a Ruined item.
- Keep it as a keepsake, remember it always.
- Combine the Ruined item with either another Ruined item of the same type or the corresponding non-Ruined item in a Crafting Grid in order to repair the item, but lose all other features (name, enchantments, etc).
- Repair the Ruined item using an Anvil with either it’s corresponding repair material or the corresponding non-Ruined item. This will apply all features (name, enchantments, etc) to the resulting Item.
- Make your Ruined item “Empowered”…
- By combining your Ruined Item with a Netherite Scrap in a Smithing Table, your Ruined Item will become “Empowered”
- When repairing the Empowered Ruined Item using an Anvil, all the existing Enchantments will become max value.
Place them in Gravesites
A plain Ruined Diamond Pickaxe
A Ruined Diamond Pickaxe with a custom name & enchantments
Repairing a Ruined Diamond Pickaxe in Anvil #1
Repairing a Ruined Diamond Pickaxe in Anvil #2
Repairing Ruined items using Crafting Grid
Shield with Banner pattern being repaired
Empowering a Ruined Diamond Sword
Repairing an Empowered item in an Anvil
All Enchants become max level
Applying Lore to a Ruined Item with a Name Tag
Repair Ruined Item with Lore and Keep Lore on regular Item
All the Items
Repairing “Ruined Item’s Ashes” #1
Repairing “Ruined Item’s Ashes” #2
Empowering a “Ruined Item’s Ashes”
How to install:
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Ruined Equipment Mod (1.19.4, 1.18.2) Download Links
For Minecraft 1.16.5
Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.18.2, 1.18.1
Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.19.2, 1.19.1, 1.19
Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2
For Minecraft 1.19.4
Fabric version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2