Frostiful Mod
Frostiful Mod (1.19.2) is a Vanilla+ combat and survival mod that substantially reworks the Powder Snow freezing mechanics. It introduces more ways of freezing and being frozen, as well as new methods for warming up again.
- There are now many more ways to freeze to death in addition to powder snow with Frositful installed. Passive freezing, icicles, and new enchantments are some of the exciting new ways the game will turn you into a block of ice, with many more to come!
- There are also new ways of resisting the cold! Use fur tufts to craft fur armor, which provides Frost Resistance to help you keep warm and resist the creeping frost. When you get too cold, warm up by the light of a fire or by getting some heat from a Sun Lichen-covered rock, or even steal the heat from your enemies with Enervation!
- Watch out, that icicle is about to fall! Icicles will now form during snow storms in cold biomes underneath overhangs and around cave entrances and cliffs. Be careful though, they’re very pointy! Use them to craft Frost Tipped Arrows to freeze your enemies faster.
The Frost Wand
- The weapon of the Frostologer (TBA), the Frost Wand is capable of stopping your enemies dead in their tracks by freezing solid them in a block of ice.
- /frost
- /frostiful
- /root
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For Minecraft 1.19.2
Fabric/Quilt version: Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2