Clearlagg Plugin
ClearLagg Plugin (1.16.5, 1.15.2) was designed to reduce lagg on Bukkit/Spigot servers by removing entities, and preventing it through its many optional features. Of course, this plugin can’t fix all lag, but it does clear most of it. If your using a larger server with 20+ players, simply using the /lagg clear command can drastically decrease RAM/CPU usage by simply removing your configured entities.
- Permission support
- Entity limiter
- Reduces lag
- Decreasing RAM/CPU usage
- Ability to stop a TNT chain reaction
- Option to limit mob spawners
- Locate overcrowded/abused chunks
- Many easy to use commands
- Real-time module controls
- Very lightweight – only enables selected features
- Remove old logs upon enabling server
- Limit AI processing attributes
- Console support for most commands
- Can adjust times when the server is cleared of lagg
- Completely configurable
Command | Description | Permission |
/lagg clear | (Clears entities) | lagg.clear |
/lagg check [world1 world2…] | (Counts all entities) | lagg.check |
/lagg reload | (Reloads schedulers/config) | lagg.reload |
/lagg killmobs | (Kills mobs) | lagg.killmobs |
/lagg area <radius> | (Removes entities within given radius) | lagg.area |
/lagg unloadchunks | (Unloads un-needed chunks) | lagg.unloadchunks |
/lagg chunk [amount] | (Locate possible laggy chunks) | lagg.chunk |
/lagg tpchunk <x> <z> <world> | (Teleport to chunks) | lagg.tpchunk |
/lagg admin | (Manage clearlag’s modules) | lagg.admin |
/lagg gc | (Attempt to free memory) | lagg.gc |
/lagg tps | (View current TPS) | lagg.tps |
/lagg halt | (Temporary disable basic server functions [mob spawning and so on]) | lagg.halt |
/lagg | (Shows helpful page) | |

How to install:
- Download a plugin of your choice.
- Place the .jar and any other files in your plugins directory.
- Run the server and wait for it to fully load.
- Type stop in your Minecraft server console to bring the server to a clean stop.
- Run the server.
- All done! Your plugin should be installed and ready to be used.